Hurricane Alley… by J. D. Longstreet

Time For Obama To Pay Up! Clinton To Become Sec. State

By J. D. Longstreet

The Clintons are like a bad rash that no medicine you swallow, or ointment you rub on it, can make go away.  The Clintons have that sort of staying power.  Completely oblivious to the depth of low estate in which so much of the public holds them, they hang on to power.  Like an addict lusting after the next fix they seem to be willing to go to any lengths to maintain a place for themselves near the center of power. Like old, tired, comic book characters they plod through the pages of our history long after their embarrassing antics have lost their power to amuse.


I remember the euphoria that sped through the bloodstream of much of America when the Clintons were ushered out of the White House the first time around. The battle cry of conservatives, the country over, was: “Take out the trash!”  And we THOUGHT we had.  Turns out we were mistaken.  We underestimated the willingness of the Clintons to do whatever it takes to stay connected to the center of power in Washington, DC.


So… we learned over the weekend that Obama would make public, actually CONFIRM, something we have all known for many weeks now, his choice for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.   If Obama had wanted to find some way to tell us all (in no uncertain words) that a deal was struck with Hillary and Bill during the primaries he couldn’t have found a better way to do it.  I wonder if he understands how weak this makes him appear in the eyes of… not only the American voters but of the armies of diplomats the world over?

Editor’s note: For another interesting take on the appointment of Hillary Clinton to the office of US Secretary of State visit the blog of my friend Alan Caruba at:

I cannot believe the man understands what he will be doing by nominating Hillary. Does he understand he will get Bill, too?  Does he understand the danger for embarrassment the Clintons bring to his administration? Apparently not.  Or, is he so puffed up by his own ego, and the Obama Battalions in the Mainstream Media, that he actually believes he can muzzle the Clintons or keep them on a leash? 


Does Obama understand the administration he, or his minions, is/are constructing is actually the Third Clinton Administration?  Does he understand the Clinton’s fingerprints are all over the people he has chosen, or been forced to choose, to fill the slots in the next administration so far?  I don’t think he does.  It is beginning to look more and more like an Obama figurehead government. So far, there is no Obama imprint on the next presidential administration… at all.  Well, look at it for yourself… and you cannot help but be convinced that Obama is being run by someone, certainly not himself.


We are more convinced, than ever, that Obama was chosen for the presidential candidate’s slot precisely because of his inexperience and his naiveté and his inability to stand up to the master politicians… the Clintons.  Obama was their ticket, all along, to a return to the center of power. 


The Obama boosters in the Mainstream Media, and that includes darned near all members of the media, are busy propping up that façade so carefully placed around the group of Clintonites Obama has been directed to choose.  (What, you don’t think he chose those people himself, do you?)  They’re being referred to, already as the “best and the brightest.”  Well us old mossbacks, who have been around for more than two decades, and have the scars to prove it, have heard and seen all this before. The JFK administration was referred to that way.  Right off the bat, Kennedy’s “Best and the Brightest” gave us the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba and began the escalation of the US Military in Vietnam from advisors to combat troops.  The stories of the days of the  “Kennedy Camelot,” with which the Media loves to regale us, never happened.  The term, itself, was not even used, in reference to the Kennedy Administration, until after the death of JFK. Yes, facts are sometimes inconvenient … as in, oh, say, history.


So far Obama has done absolutely nothing but underscore our belief that he is an empty suit, a puppet being manipulated by someone else pulling his strings.


All this time I was hoping Obama wasn’t as weak as I thought he was. Yet he persists in doing exactly what we had expected, exactly what we had warned Obama supporters of, with the full support of an adoring press who will not miss a single opportunity to prop him up dare he fail.


One question continues to go ‘round in my head. Who is pulling Obama’s strings?  Who IS the REAL President?


J. D. Longstreet

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  1. Guy said, on December 2, 2008 at 1:12 am

    One of my worst fears ….. Hillary Clinton in a position of power, representing our great country. I heaved a sigh of relief when she withdrew her candidacy for president. I’m certainly no Obama supporter, but the thought of having her as our president sickened me for so many reasons. So, I was relieved, and somewhat shocked, when she withdrew. I figured Obama could be defeated easily by any decent Republican candidate. Boy was I wrong about that. I totally underestimated the level of corruption in our election systems (I live in Ohio), and the media was relentless. Obama was elected, and now the nearly 50% of the country who saw him for the socialist that he is will just have to hang tough and deal with him. However, it’s now painfully obvious what happened, and why Hillary gave up so easily. Power is power, and she got it, one way or another, just as I predicted a while ago on my blog. I was horrified, and downright sick to my stomach when I saw the election results. Imagine my distress when I realized a few days ago that now we have them BOTH …. It’s going to be a long four years!

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