Hurricane Alley… by J. D. Longstreet

A Rip in the Fabric of the GOP Tent!

A we-mourn-the-death-of-conserevatism-in-the-republican-partyRip in the Fabric of the GOP Tent!


We Republicans have a growing divide in our party…the divide between Liberal Republicans and Conservative Republicans.  I don’t include Moderate Republicans because, frankly, I don’t believe there is such a thing.  Moderates, I believe, are simply Liberals afraid to take a stand.


Here’s the problem:  Liberals want to compromise.  They LOVE to compromise.  Conservatives do not want to compromise at all.  In fact we view compromise as losing. We conservatives had rather lose than compromise, period.


This trait has caused the Liberal Republicans to hate our guts and, believe me when I tell you, there is no love lost for Liberal Republicans in the Conservative Camp.


So, basically, what we have is… a big tent with two political parties underneath it.


This is not good for anyone… except the Democrats.


So, I propose the split of the Republican Party.  The Liberals may keep the name “Republican” if they choose and the new name for the Conservative Republican party would be: “The Conservative Party”.


I have said often, before, that I believe a Conservative Political party would draw conservatives from the Democrat party who feel they have no place to go now. I still believe that.


It is a fact that the electorate in America leans conservative… all the time.  So… why not have a Conservative Party, as such?  Makes all sorts of sense to me. 


I do not believe we would be a three party system long.  I am fairly certain the liberal Republicans would fold straight away, or join with the Liberal democrats, as they should, anyway.


Taking uncompromising stands is the hallmark of a conservative.  That’s what we do. It’s how we got to be conservatives in the first place.


The Libs in the GOP really want us to be gone… they think.  The problem, for them, you see, is… we win elections for the party.  The liberal GOP, left to it’s own devices, cannot swing a single election.  Soon there would be no liberal Republicans in the House or the Senate.  I can’t help but feel that would be a good thing for the Party and the country.


Conservatives know what they believe and they can articulate it well.  They aren’t good at nuance, or shading their beliefs, in any way.   You ask Conservatives a question and you will get a direct answer. No flip-flopping.  Unlike Liberals who are with you at the beginning of a war but flee at the sound of the first gunshots, Conservatives stay for the entire war… period!


We can be defeated… but not easily.   As things are today, the GOP is continually on the edge of defeat.  A Conservative Party would stay away from the edge.


I fully expect to see another party develop in the next few months. It will be a conservative party. 


The bottom line is this:  Conservatives are fed up with being used to win elections and immediately afterwards being dumped.  We don’t like it.  We feel if we had our own party, we could do even more than the GOP allows us to do today.  We feel we could eventually capture the seats held by Liberal Republicans in the Congress and in the White House. 


So, give us the party.  Give us a party named “The Conservative Party” and we will flock to the banner. I’m ready!  How about you?


J. D. Longstreet

The US Constitution. The Deliberate Stumbling Block.

By: J. D. Longstreet

You know, every now and then, every American ought to read the US Constitution from beginning to end.  I’d wager that if we did, we would not be living in such a screwed-up country as we have today.


One of the things I have learned, over my better than 6 and a half decades on this earth, is that the fellows who wrote the Constitution were quite likely the smartest, most intelligent, men on the entire planet at that time… and… without a doubt… would rank at the top of the intelligentsia today!


Funny thing is that back in the 18th century, folks had a tendency to say what they meant and mean what they say.  They had never heard of political correctness, so… they called “a spade a spade”.   When they applied pen to paper, to write their thoughts, they didn’t hem and haw about… they wrote down those words, which illustrated, exactly, their thoughts and their intentions.


Now, here’s the thing:  When a person, of even average intelligence today, takes it upon himself, or herself, to read the US Constitution… as those Founding Fathers wrote it… they understand it!  It’s as clear as a bell.


Now the question:  Why, then, do we find it so inconvenient today?  Yes, the US Constitution is inconvenient.  To the power brokers in the US, the Constitution is a roadblock.  It is continually getting in the way.  And that is where the US Supreme Court comes in.


When an American turns to the Constitution, to learn the duties of the Supreme Court, often he, or she, is surprised at the limits on the Court.  More surprising, still, is the mantel of powers the Court has assumed which the Constitution does not grant the Court!


The national powerbrokers learned, long ago that a Supreme Court molded in their likeness, could extend THEIR powers simply by INTERPRETING the Constitution in a manner which would benefit them. To arrive at that beneficial arrangement, the powerbrokers had to see that they determined the make-up of the court… that only those nominees to the Court who favored their biases could be allowed on the court.  That set off a continuing battle between the two sides of the American Political Spectrum, which is near a fever pitch today. 


A fairly intelligent high school student can interpret the Constitution.  It is that clearly written.  Yet, today we require a court of nine persons made up of scholars of the law… even though the Constitution does not require one to be a lawyer to serve on the Supreme Court!  Did you know that?


Let me give you an example of how simple the Constitution is to interpret:  Article One, section 8 of the Constitution declares that the District of Columbia shall be no larger than ten square miles.  Got that?  Ok, then why, today, is the District of Columbia 98.25 square miles?  Huh?  Oh, you see the constitution was inconvenient when it came to that ten square mile law.


The point in all this rambling is… you really ought to acquaint yourself with the US Constitution. When you do, you are going to marvel at how far from the Constitution the US has strayed.


May we suggest that you set out to familiarize yourself with the Constitution while you can?  Already, our government is in talks with Mexico and Canada to merge the three countries into a single entity patterned after the European Union.  Once that happens, there is a better than even chance the US Constitution will become subject to whatever passes as a constitution for the North American Union.


 By:J. D. Longstreet

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The End Of The World, Or Not?

Posted in America, Conservative, Conservative Political Party, Leadership, Obama, Political, Republican, snobbishness by J. D. Longstreet on November 25, 2008

The End Of The World, Or Not?

By J. D. Longstreet


Some predictions:

1. Obama’s “hold out your hand to everyone” foreign policy is going to be a catastrophe. They’ll love it in Europe. They’re probably laughing their heads off about it in the Middle East already.

2. The US hasn’t suffered a terrorist attack by al Qaeda since 9/11, but we’ll get at least one during Obama’s term.

3. We’re going to lose in Afghanistan.

4. Iran will get nuclear weapons. There will be nuclear war between Iran and Israel. (This is the only irreversibly terrible thing I see upcoming, and it’s very bad indeed.)

These are not my predictions. They are from an article by Steven Den Beste titled: “Not the End of the World.”  You’ll find the full article at:

A friend of mine emailed Mr. Beste’s article to me and, after reading it, I thought I would pass it on to my readers.

There are, indeed, some critical times ahead for the US.  There is no doubt about it. Mr. Beste has given us things to ponder over the next few months as we wait out the end of Mr. Obama’s term in office.

During that time, however, conservatives are going to have to decide the route they intend to take to remain a force in American politics.  It is more than a little obvious that remaining in the GOP and expecting to be a movement to “be reckoned with” is now out of the question.  We have, for all intents and purposes, been told to “sit down and shut up,” or, get out. Many of us have chosen to become Independent Conservatives until such time as a viable Conservative Party can be organized to promote our ideology.  That may be a long time coming.  I am not detecting movement in that direction and the lack of motivation toward that end troubles me greatly.

There comes a time in any effort when you reach the point of diminishing returns. It appears, at least to me, that conservative efforts within the GOP have reached that point. For evidence one only has to consider the manner in which the GOP campaigned during both the election cycles of 2006 and 2008.  Both those campaigns underscored the GOP’s snubbing of the conservative wing of the party.

It is time to stop crying in our beer and get off our collective behinds and get to work building a conservative party.  The sooner… the better.

J. D. Longstreet


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