Hurricane Alley… by J. D. Longstreet

Talk of Impeachment … Alan Caruba

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 31, 2010

The American electorate is growing more angry and dissatisfied by the heavy-handed tactics of President Obama with each passing day.  His drop in the polls is meteoric — with the trajectory decidedly downward. Calls for his impeachment are becoming more urgent and frequent.


My friend Alan Caruba has been calling for Obama’s impeachment for many months now. He was far ahead of the pack recognizing the true nature of the Obama agenda.  Below, Mr. Caruba makes the case for his most recent impeachment call for Obama.  We wanted to share it with you.  Please scroll down and read for yourself the reasoned argument Mr. Caruba makes for Obama’s Impeachment.





Talk of Impeachment

By Alan Caruba


The last time I recall the nation being this concerned over the state of the presidency was during the Lewinsky scandal and ensuing impeachment proceedings against President Clinton. Before that it was during the slow revelation of the Watergate scandal that finally forced Richard Nixon’s resignation. On Thursday, July 22, an editorial opinion by Tom Tancredo in The Washington Times called for the impeachment of President Obama. A column by Jeffrey Kuhner was titled “President’s socialist takeover must be stopped.”

Tancredo, a former five-term member of Congress, is now the chairman of the Rocky Mountain Foundation. Kuhner, a Times columnist, is president of the Edmund Burke Institute.

Burke, an Irish orator, philosopher and politician (1729-1797) is best known for his warning that “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”, but he also said, “Men have no right to put the well-being of the present generation wholly out of the question. Perhaps the only moral trust with any certainty in our hands is the care of our own time.”

It is the conceit of every generation that those that preceded it were less sophisticated, but it is clear from Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Paper number 65, published in the New York Packet on March 7, 1788, that the question of impeachment as defined in the Constitution was being debated, the subtleties of the issue were not only understood by the author, but by Americans of his era as well.

Hamilton wrote: “A well-constituted court for the trial of impeachments is an object not more to be desired than difficult to be obtained in a government wholly elective. The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself. The prosecution of them, for this reason, will seldom fail to agitate the passions of the whole community, and to divide it into parties more or less friendly or inimical to the accused.”

The removal of Barack Hussein Obama from the office of the presidency is increasingly spoken of among concerned Americans and now has risen to the level of discussion in print. The two Times articles enumerated the reasons why.

Tancredo began by reminding us that “every citizen elected to serve in Congress or any person appointed to any federal position” must swear an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.”

“For the first time in American history,” said Tancredo, “we have a man in the White House who consciously and brazenly disregards his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution.”

Going straight to the heart of the issue confronting all Americans, Tancredo said, “Our president is an enemy of the Constitution and, as such, he is a danger to our safety, our security, and our personal freedoms.”

Kuhner wrote that Obama is “slowly, piece by piece, erecting a socialist dictatorship. We are not there yet, but he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances, subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law…”

Tancredo listed what he regards as impeachable offenses which the Constitution describes as “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Impeachment has twice been attempted in the nation’s past and neither succeeded. Among those cited by Tancredo are:

# Disenfranchising General Motors and Chrysler bondholders in order to transfer billions of investor dollars to his supporters in the United Auto Workers;

# Implementing a third ban on off-shore drilling despite the rejection by two federal courts.

# The appointment of judges who want to create law rather than interpret it.

# The failure to defend the nation’s southern border against an invasion of illegal aliens.Tancredo could have added the questionable demand that BP create a $20 billion fund to cover the cost of the oil cleanup and the losses incurred by those affected by it. That was entirely without any previous historic or legal precedent.

The creation, too, of an entire level of presidential advisors (czars) within the White House who appear to have been granted greater powers than Secretaries of various federal departments in determining policy is highly questionable. Few underwent any examination by the Senate.

Kuhner warned about Obamacare’s funding of abortion, along with the creation of “a command-and-control health care system, “a frontal assault on property rights”, the new financial reform act that he deemed “essentially nationalize the big banks” while noting the same effect on the financial sector, and the student loan industry. He too noted the takeover of the automakers.

Kuhner warned that Obama’s “comprehensive immigration reform” would grant amnesty to 12 to 20 million illegal aliens “would sound the death knell for our national sovereignty.” The Obama Justice Department’s decision to sue Arizona for its immigration law was deemed as “siding with criminals against his fellow Americans” and desecrated his constitutional oath.

Kuhner deemed it “treasonous.”Kuhner urged that, should the Republicans win back Congress in November “formal investigations into this criminal, scandal-ridden administration” should be launched.

I doubt that even Republican control of Congress in both houses would undertake impeachment proceedings against Obama. That did not go well when it was tried against Clinton. At best a Congress in which they controlled either or both houses would become a bulwark against further predations by the first Marxist president ever elected in America and, hopefully, the last.
Alan Caruba

Alan Caruba writes a daily post at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.

© Alan Caruba, 2010

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Talk of Impeachment … Alan Caruba

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 31, 2010
Talk of Impeachment
By Alan Caruba
The last time I recall the nation being this concerned over the state of the presidency was during the Lewinsky scandal and ensuing impeachment proceedings against President Clinton. Before that it was during the slow revelation of the Watergate scandal that finally forced Richard Nixon’s resignation. On Thursday, July 22, an editorial opinion by Tom Tancredo in The Washington Times called for the impeachment of President Obama. A column by Jeffrey Kuhner was titled “President’s socialist takeover must be stopped.”

Tancredo, a former five-term member of Congress, is now the chairman of the Rocky Mountain Foundation. Kuhner, a Times columnist, is president of the Edmund Burke Institute.
Burke, an Irish orator, philosopher and politician (1729-1797) is best known for his warning that “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”, but he also said, “Men have no right to put the well-being of the present generation wholly out of the question. Perhaps the only moral trust with any certainty in our hands is the care of our own time.”
It is the conceit of every generation that those that preceded it were less sophisticated, but it is clear from Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Paper number 65, published in the New York Packet on March 7, 1788, that the question of impeachment as defined in the Constitution was being debated, the subtleties of the issue were not only understood by the author, but by Americans of his era as well.
Hamilton wrote: “A well-constituted court for the trial of impeachments is an object not more to be desired than difficult to be obtained in a government wholly elective. The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself. The prosecution of them, for this reason, will seldom fail to agitate the passions of the whole community, and to divide it into parties more or less friendly or inimical to the accused.”
The removal of Barack Hussein Obama from the office of the presidency is increasingly spoken of among concerned Americans and now has risen to the level of discussion in print. The two Times articles enumerated the reasons why.
Tancredo began by reminding us that “every citizen elected to serve in Congress or any person appointed to any federal position” must swear an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.”
“For the first time in American history,” said Tancredo, “we have a man in the White House who consciously and brazenly disregards his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution.”
Going straight to the heart of the issue confronting all Americans, Tancredo said, “Our president is an enemy of the Constitution and, as such, he is a danger to our safety, our security, and our personal freedoms.”
Kuhner wrote that Obama is “slowly, piece by piece, erecting a socialist dictatorship. We are not there yet, but he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances, subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law…”
Tancredo listed what he regards as impeachable offenses which the Constitution describes as “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Impeachment has twice been attempted in the nation’s past and neither succeeded. Among those cited by Tancredo are:
# Disenfranchising General Motors and Chrysler bondholders in order to transfer billions of investor dollars to his supporters in the United Auto Workers;
# Implementing a third ban on off-shore drilling despite the rejection by two federal courts.
# The appointment of judges who want to create law rather than interpret it.
# The failure to defend the nation’s southern border against an invasion of illegal aliens.Tancredo could have added the questionable demand that BP create a $20 billion fund to cover the cost of the oil cleanup and the losses incurred by those affected by it. That was entirely without any previous historic or legal precedent.
The creation, too, of an entire level of presidential advisors (czars) within the White House who appear to have been granted greater powers than Secretaries of various federal departments in determining policy is highly questionable. Few underwent any examination by the Senate.
Kuhner warned about Obamacare’s funding of abortion, along with the creation of “a command-and-control health care system, “a frontal assault on property rights”, the new financial reform act that he deemed “essentially nationalize the big banks” while noting the same effect on the financial sector, and the student loan industry. He too noted the takeover of the automakers.
Kuhner warned that Obama’s “comprehensive immigration reform” would grant amnesty to 12 to 20 million illegal aliens “would sound the death knell for our national sovereignty.” The Obama Justice Department’s decision to sue Arizona for its immigration law was deemed as “siding with criminals against his fellow Americans” and desecrated his constitutional oath.
Kuhner deemed it “treasonous.”Kuhner urged that, should the Republicans win back Congress in November “formal investigations into this criminal, scandal-ridden administration” should be launched.
I doubt that even Republican control of Congress in both houses would undertake impeachment proceedings against Obama. That did not go well when it was tried against Clinton. At best a Congress in which they controlled either or both houses would become a bulwark against further predations by the first Marxist president ever elected in America and, hopefully, the last.
Alan Caruba


Alan Caruba writes a daily post at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.


© Alan Caruba, 2010

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In Obama’s Fascist America

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 30, 2010

In Obama’s Fascist America

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Is Obama a fascist? 

Ok — so what is a fascist?  According to The Urban Dictionary a fascist is “someone who believes in a totalitarian state rule by a supreme leader (dictator) who controls everything possible and treats people harshly — to gain the leader’s own success….” (SOURCE)


Sound familiar?  In a piece by John Griffing, published at American Thinker, Mr. Griffing says the following: “At its core, fascism is really just a system where government, through agreements with the private sector, controls virtually all property and income indirectly and Obama has embraced this template.” 

Mr. Griffing goes on to say: “Fascism is correctly associated with tyranny since nations that employ the tenets of fascism almost always transition from a republican or parliamentary form of government to some sort of personality cult usually centered on an economic “savior.”  Fascism requires extensive state control, and if this control is not centralized in a singular personality, the results will be muddied and plagued with excessive overlap.  All of Obama’s actions have highly fascist overtones.”  Read the entire article here (SOURCE)

It is gratifying, to say the least, to find someone who agrees with our viewpoint of Obama and his regime.  It is truly frightening to see America being fundamentally changed from a constitutional republic into a fascist dictatorship under Obama.  But, that is what we have in America today.

What?  You say it can’t happen in America?  Well, I hate to disagree with your assessment, but dear reader, it already has happened.  The task of freedom loving Americans now — IS TO CHANGE IT BACK!   That goal is becoming ever more difficult, with every passing day, as the line between the private sector and the public sector is being systematically and intentionally blurred by the Obama Regime. You may not wish to admit it, even to yourself, but, as Mr. Griffing says in his article at American Thinker,   “individual liberty can often be conditioned on complicity with state aims, as manifested in the private sector sphere.”  He is spot on!

Look, we Americans are being “conditioned” by the Obama Regime to jump through any hoop Obama should hold up in front of us. 

Many weeks ago we warned of an avalanche of taxes on the horizon for America.  That avalanche is about to come rumbling down to crush the last remnant of resistance to the Obama fascist agenda.

Obama and the democrats have bankrupted America. We are broke.  There is no more money available within the government budget to stave of the insolvency of America. 

So what must happen?  Huge tax increases. As Charles Krauthammer has warned us: “There just isn’t enough to cut elsewhere to prevent national insolvency.  That will require massive tax increases, most likely a European-style value-added tax.”  Read the entire article here (SOURCE)


Americans who have already been mentally “conditioned” will simply lie down and allow the Obama taxes, such as the VAT tax, to wash over them.  Those of us who are not “conditioned” will fight it every step of the way. Even the Vat tax is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. It cannot cover the shortfall of funds America faces in the future.

Only a strong fascist leader could “condition” Americans to accept what is coming next — the looting of the individual American.

In an article at the American thinker written by Kyle Anne Shiver and entitled: “Barack Obama, the Quintessential liberal fascist” Shiver says:  “Neither did Barack Obama invent the political “ideology of change,” nor design its carefully crafted propaganda.  While media folks talked of the tingles up their legs and the brilliant rhetoric of Barack Obama, they were heralding the speaker only, not the creator of the movement and its slogans.  That would have been Saul Alinsky, the man who took fascism and cunningly made it appear to casual observers every bit as American as apple pie.


Barack Obama is merely the movement’s closer, the quintessential liberal fascist with a teleprompter.”  Read the entire article here


As much as I dislike admitting it, we HAVE become conditioned  “not to see the forest for the trees.”  We inhabit Obama’s fascist America, yet we don’t seem able to see it for what it is.  Today we Americans seem to lack what the military refers to as “situational awareness.” Just as on the battlefield where lack of situational awareness can easily lead to the demise of the individual, it can also lead the people of a country into placidly standing by as their nation is hi-jacked and “fundamentally changed,” from a nation where the government serves the people — to a nation where the people serve the government. 

That has already happened. The question now is — can we change it back to its rightful condition.   We have a chance this November to begin that renewal.  Lets not allow the chance to save America pass us by.  It MAY be our last chance.

J. D. Longstreet

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The Mailed Fist of the Federal Government Slams Arizona

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 29, 2010

The Mailed Fist of the Federal Government Slams Arizona

States Should Revive the Practice of “Nullification”

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


What we saw occur in Arizona this week, with a federal district judge gutting a law passed by the Arizona state legislature and signed into law by the governor of that state is nothing less than spitting in the face of “states rights!”


We Americans have already fought one civil war over this very thing — and the federal government is dragging us ever closer to another American holocaust.


Think about it:  The US federal government refuses to enforce the laws of the land and then has the audacity to slap down the people of the states when they attempt to enforce those same laws. 


All this time I have been laboring under a misconception.  See, I was taught, and I was reared to believe, that the US was a nation of laws and that no person or entity was above the law.  Well, it turns out I was WRONG! But I had to wait until the socialist Obama and his henchman hi-jacked the US government to learn that I had been wrong all this time.


I have learned something from all of this.  It is that the law does not matter – unless — it can be used (by those in power) to get something they want.  If applying the law will constrain them from something they dearly want, then — to hell with the law.


At the moment, Obama wants the Hispanic vote in 2012. He will move heaven and earth, tread on anyone who gets in his way, use the mailed fist of the federal government to crush whoever and whatever gets in his way — the same as any other tin pot dictator in the western hemisphere.   America is looking more and more, everyday, like one of the “banana republics” we used to make jokes about.   Now that we are one – it ain’t funny!


In the years before the American civil war, when Washington was tyrannizing the southern states on a regular basis (much as they are doing to the entire country today) the southern states began nullifying those federal laws.  Why did they think they could do that?  Well one of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, said in the Kentucky Resolution the following:


“Resolved, that the several States composing the United States of America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government; but that by compact under the style and title of a Constitution for the United States and of amendments thereto, they constituted a general government for special purposes, delegated to that government certain definite powers, reserving each State to itself, the residuary mass of right to their own self-government; and that whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force: That to this compact each State acceded as a State, and is an integral party, its co-States forming, as to itself, the other party….each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of redress.” Alien and Sedition Acts and States’ rights  (Texas Fred has an excellent article from which this was drawn at:

I say again, the underlying cause of the American civil war was not slavery, as we have been taught, it was the abuse of the rights of the states by the heavy-handed federal government – just as the federal government is doing today! 

They say history repeats itself – and today we have the evidence right before our eyes.

How much more of Obama’s high-handed tyrannical tactics are the American people going to suffer before they bow their backs and say: ENOUGH! 

One good thing may come from this demonstration of what happens when a country’s all too powerful central government runs amuck.  If nothing else, this move by the judge in Arizona should seal the election in November for the Republicans.

Now that Americans have seen that the Obama Regime is intent on securing its hold on the government, not only in Washington, but in their states, as well, it should cut through the smoke screen of flowery oratory, and expose the skull and crossbones hidden within.

Remember this:  if your state has no rights, YOU, my fellow Americans, have no rights, either! 

Remember Arizona in November.  Let nothing deter you.  RUN to the polls in November — and reclaim America.  Do not allow the history books to record that Americans lost their country to a great orator much as the Germans of the 20th century did.  As they learned, too late, it was the road to utter destruction.

Remember in November!

J.D. Longstreet

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The Unilateral Creation of a Palestinian State by the UN?

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 27, 2010


The Unilateral Creation of a Palestinian State by the UN?
Does the Obama Regime Support UN Creation of Palestinian State?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Palestinian Authority officials say if Israel and the Palestinians fail to reach an agreement to create a Palestinian state, the Obama administration will support a resolution at the United Nations that would unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state (SOURCE).

In a report at World Net Daily, the following is reported: “Last year, Ahmed Qurei, former PA prime minister and member of the Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee, told WND in an interview that the PA “reached an understanding with important elements within the administration” to possibly bring to the U.N. Security Council a resolution to unilaterally create a Palestinian state.

Asked to which “elements” he was referring, Qurei would only say they were from the Obama administration. (SOURCE).

All of this just confirms our worst fears about Obama and his Regime. He is, quite likely, the least prepared President to ever hold office.

You know, I used to wonder if Obama or, at the very least, someone within his regime had actually read the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Now I add to that list of critically important documents nothing less than the Holy Bible. Obama is meddling in a situation that predates the United States of America by thousands of years. Much of the history, which leads up to the problems with Israel and their less than neighborly neighbors, is recorded in the pages of the Bible.

When one does a tiny bit of research, one finds that Israel has a claim to the Holy Land that dates back as far 3,700 years ago. They created a civilization on that terrain and developed a national language, which they have managed to maintain for at least 3,700 years.

Yes, they claim that land and they have a right to it. First, God promised the land to Abraham, then, the Jewish people moved onto to it and began to develop it and they made it their home. The world community saw it — and recognized Israel as the home of the Jewish people and granted Israel recognition as a sovereign country ON THAT LAND.

So, how did Israel grow to the size it is today? As a result of wars that were perpetrated upon Israel by her mischievous neighbors. Israeli military forces captured the land Israel grew into as they attempted, successfully, to defend their homeland. Now, that land, too, is a part of the nation of Israel.

So what about the name Palestine? In the second century A.D., after crushing the last Jewish revolt, the Romans first applied the name “Palaestina” to Judea. Judea was the southern portion of what we now call the West Bank. It was an attempt, by the Romans, to isolate Jewish identification from the land of Israel.

There was never an independent Arab or Palestinian state in Palestine. It never existed, in all of history. In fact, when the Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: “There is no such thing as ‘Palestine’ in history, absolutely not.” In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Koran, rather it is called “the holy land.”

Going back to 1937 we learn that “a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission, which ultimately suggested the partition of Palestine: “There is no such country [as Palestine]! ‘Palestine’ is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria.” (SOURCE)

Until, roughly, 1967 the Arabs referred to that piece of ground as “southern Syria. “The representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the United Nations submitted a statement to the General Assembly in May 1947 that said, “Palestine was part of the Province of Syria” and that, “politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity.” A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO, told the Security Council: “It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria.” (SOURCE)

One must consider God’s promise to Abraham, the creation of a Jewish homeland with Jewish settlements upon the land as far back as 3,700 years ago — up to today. Then, one must consider so much more including the Balfour Declaration of 1917; the League of Nations Mandate, which incorporated the Balfour Declaration; the United Nations partition resolution of 1947; and Israel’s admission to the UN in 1949. And, finally, add to all of the above the recognition of Israel as a sovereign nation by most of the country’s of the world. I suspect the Israeli Jews would ask that an observer also note their thriving society.

Now, when you consider all of the above, you must ask yourself why anyone would want the people of Israel to give up their ancestral homeland, the land God gave them, to the people of a country that never, in all of history, EVER existed.

Remember, too, that these people, of a fantasy country, want nothing more than to push the Jews off their land and into the sea — wiping them out of existence.

THAT is where Obama’s policy toward Israel and the so-called Palestinian people will lead.

When all of this is considered — aren’t we justified in asking if Obama’s ties to the Muslim world are so strong that he has adopted their cause as his — and pushing the Jews of Israel into the Mediterranean Sea is the desired result for both the so-called Palestinians – and — for the Obama Regime?

J. D. Longstreet

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USA: Born July 4th, 1776. Died November 4th, 2008

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 26, 2010

USA: Born July 4th, 1776. Died November 4th, 2008
A Commentary by: J. D. Longstreet

Recently, I watched a conservative commentator on TV declare the America we used to know is dead.

I immediately thought: “Well, where has HE been?” Of course, America, as a constitutional republic, IS dead! We have been saying so for well over a year now — actually approaching two years. There is a little life left in her, but VERY little.

Ever since Obama dropped his hand, after taking the oath of office as President of the United States of America, the systematic disassembling of America has been underway.

You have to give Obama his due. He has kept his promise to “fundamentally change” America. THAT he has done.

Ron Ewart, in an article at the Canada Free Press, recently said the following: “Comes now a man who participated in a Chicago church for twenty years that preached “Black Liberation Theology”, a theology that believes, with vehemence and much gnashing of teeth, that white America is evil and white America is still trying to keep black Americans in a state of perpetual poverty, if not slavery. “

Mr. Ewart continues: “Obama’s whole background, from the day he was born, is filled with communists, socialists, Marxists, community activists and others who seek a massive redistribution of American wealth to those who have not found their way to, or have not taken advantage of, unequaled in any country… American opportunity.” (You may read the entire article (HERE).)

In an article at Uncommon Sense the following statement is made: “So America, can you connect the dots? In just 18 months we have watched the tightening of federal controls on states and citizens that is unprecedented in American history. Our freedom and our liberty is being usurped by an over reaching federal bureauracy that has put us on a fast track to socialism or maybe even communism.”

The writer points out the following:

“We allowed the passage of a $787B economic stimulus bill.

The federal government has taken over two-thirds of the domestic auto industry.

The T.A.R.P. program passed at the end of the Bush administration was the first step in nationalizing the domestic banking system.

Using the EPA, the government has declared cabon dioxide a harmful gas and is on the path of regulating energy and the environment without regulation to further its’ agenda – bigger, more controlling government.

The FCC is working on a bailout plan for the mainstream media as well as regulations to destroy free speech. Clearly in their sights – the internet and conservative talk radio.

Recently the President signed a land grab order. Using the “1906 Antiquities Act” he ordered the federalization of 10 million acres of land in the west. This land grab will inhibit our ability to gain energy independence by cutting off access to needed resources.

The President continues his focus on “climate change” and “Cap & Trade” rather than job creation and economic growth.

Moody’s has repeatedly warned the government for the past 18 months that if we don’t reduce the debt and curtail government spending we will lose our national AAA credit rating. This will cause our interest rates to sky rocket and eventually our interest service of the debt will bankrupt the country.”

The writer goes on to mention the passage of ObamaCare and government funding for higher education. He says: “Education and Healthcare are not rights! Rights come from God not governments. This bill also includes the funding to hire 16,000 new IRS agents to aid in the enforcement of the new laws.” (Read the entire article (HERE).

If is especially distressing to realize that an entire country can be subjected to the death grip of socialism, in such a brief period of time. Our socialist Congress was elected in 2006 and our socialist President was elected in 2008 — and that sealed the deal. Elections, as we have been told, so often, have consequences. Unfortunately for Americans the consequences of the 2006 and 2008 elections turned out to be the loss of our constitutional republic created by our Founding Fathers. We swapped it for a socialist government made up of Statists, Socialists, Progressives, Marxists, a few Communists, and a handful of liberals. We also got, in the deal, a President who, much like Julius Caesar, would be a dictator, and — in fact, he has created a cohort of minions around him to do HIS will while at the same time being answerable ONLY to him.

Our new kind of American dictator is using the power of the president’s executive orders to force his will upon the people of the US. Is this an abuse of power? Some say YES! Certainly, if it is not – it OUGHT to be!

“Statism” is now the national religion in America. Some on the American left are declaring the state as sacred and taxes as a sacrament.

Americans were once among the most God-fearing people on the planet. No longer. Now, rather than praising God and turning to Him in time of need or crisis, our government is encouraging us to praise the state and turn to it for everything — including our sustenance. THAT is a hallmark of godless socialism.

Generations of American children were NOT taught, in our public school system, that the government of the US was founded to be a servant of the people of the states. As voting adults they don’t know the federal government is supposed to act according to the wishes of the people of the states.

They think it is exactly the opposite. Our over powerful central government now insists that Americans serve the federal government — and it has been that way since my southern ancestors realized where the US federal government was headed, decided they wanted none of it, pulled out of the US, and formed their own country. They were forced back into the union at the point of a government bayonet. Unfortunately, that bayonet has not been sheathed since. The power of the federal government has grown steadily ever since.

Progressivism, Socialism, Marxism, all demand that the individual basically live for the state contributing everything he owns to the god of the left, — the state.

This is where America is, in its evolution, today.

Men and women in America today have a decision to make. Americans who believe America was founded upon biblical truths, including “rights’ granted them by God, and God alone, are being told there is no such thing as rights not granted by the state. Never mind that our founding documents stress those God-given rights. Our new American socialist government views those founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution, as too old and too outdated to apply today. And the void left by those documents is being filled by a left-wing dictatorship.

Those of us, of the conservative persuasion, have danced all around creating another political party. We even have the Tea Party, which is doing a good job at educating the masses of Americans dissatisfied with this new socialist America. Truth be told, I don’t think the GOP, in its current iteration, is capable of doing much better than those leftists in power today.

I really think the time has come for an “American Party,” a true conservative political party with one goal — and that is — to return America to its founding principles as a constitutional republic — and keep it there. I don’t think I am alone in this conviction. All one has to do is look at the Tea Party. Could the Tea Party be the foundation for a new political party in America? It certainly could be.

One thing is certain. The US is far too deeply split to continue much longer as a nation of fifty states. One does not need a crystal ball to see what lies in America’s future.

Unless American citizens are willing to make the effort to rescue their nation, America will follow all the great nations of the past into the pages of history as a “has been” giant whose people were unable, or unwilling, to live up to the high ideals set for them by the founders of the country. For instance, when a nation will not protect its own borders that, alone, speaks volumes concerning the love that nation’s people have for their country.

To survive, America must right herself, find her true bearings, and stir herself back on course with renewed vigor and determination to clean up her government by throwing off the chains of socialism and restoring those precious ideals that saw her through nearly two and a half centuries of everything fate could throw at her.

President Ronald Reagan once said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

If we Americans choose to continue on our current course, we dishonor the men and women who founded this country and all the generations since who have loved her, cherished her, protected her and passed her on to the capable hands of the next generation. If we so choose, then America stops here.

The soil of this sacred ground, we call America, is soaked in the blood of patriots who gave even their last measure to preserve freedom for us. The souls of those long sainted American patriots watch from the ramparts of heaven to see how we will choose. We must not disappoint them.

J. D. Longstreet

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Why Obama Doesn’t Fear A Democratic Loss In November

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 23, 2010

Why Obama Doesn’t Fear A Democratic Loss In November

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Something has been troubling me for months now.  I have not been able to shake the feeling that Obama knows his political party is going to take an enormous hit this coming November in the Mid-Term Elections and yet, he doesn’t seem to care – at all!



Surely of the thousands of “politics watchers” such as me, others have had this same feeling, right?  If so, they have been oddly quiet about it — until now, that is.


Finally, a man I admire, tremendously, has written of this observation, and he has expressed some ideas about it that I believe are spot-on.  I am referring to Charles Krauthammer.



Mr. Krauthammer is a man who obviously places great value in thinking before he speaks… or writes, as the case may be.  As a man who is greatly challenged physically, yet uses his mind with the dexterity of a steel trap, he is something of an, well, I won’t say “idol” because that is breaking a commandment.  So, allow me to admit that I “look up” to Mr. Krauthammer as a college student would to a world-class professor of political science.  (Actually, a professor of political science is a very bad fit here, because it has been my experience that most political science professors are of the elite, liberal, progressive genre and not to my liking, at all.)  


I once had a friend, and fellow employee, who became a political science professor.  That ended our friendship. We haven’t spoken in years.  But I digress.



Turns out, Mr. Krauthammer has been thinking along the same lines as me concerning Obama’s lack of concern over the disastrous outcome of the Mid-term Election.  And he tells us why.  Before I quote him, I’d like to advise my Republican friends to pay close attention – I mean – REAL close.



Mr. Krauthammer begins this way:  “I have a warning for Republicans: Don’t underestimate Barack Obama.”   THAT got MY attention.  He goes on to say:


“Consider what he has already achieved. Obamacare alone makes his presidency historic. It has irrevocably changed one-sixth of the economy, put the country inexorably on the road to national health care and, as acknowledged by Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus but few others, begun one of the most massive wealth redistributions in U.S. history.”


He goes on to remind readers of the financial reform that passed the Congress just a few days ago, and the President has now signed into law, and he points out, yet again, that it will give the government  “unprecedented power in the financial marketplace.” 


Mr. Krauthammer goes on to say: “But Obama’s most far-reaching accomplishment is his structural alteration of the U.S. budget. The stimulus, the vast expansion of domestic spending, the creation of ruinous deficits as far as the eye can see are not easily reversed.”


Pointing out that the US is headed for national insolvency he says the following: “That will require massive tax increases — most likely a European-style value-added tax. Just as President Reagan cut taxes to starve the federal government and prevent massive growth in spending, Obama’s wild spending — and quarantining health-care costs from providing possible relief — will necessitate huge tax increases.”


Notice two things:  MASSIVE TAX INCREASES and the European-style Value Added Tax or VAT tax.


We have warned our readers for months now that an avalanche of new and bigger taxes is on the way.  I am beginning to believe that the use of the word “avalanche” was ill advised of me.  Using the word “avalanche” greatly diminishes the size and scope of the massive taxes with which we are about to inundated.  I apologize for that.


Mr. Krauthammer warns that Obama’s critics, from both the left and the right, do not understand that Obama’s Agenda comes in two parts. Part one is now completed.  He, too, says the Democrats will pay the price by losing one or both of the houses of Congress in November.



Now – here’s the thing:  In order for Obama to accomplish the second half of his agenda requires his reelection in 2012.


So, what can we expect in Obama’s second term?  According to Mr. Krauthammer   we can expect “massive regulation of the energy economy, federalizing higher education and “comprehensive” immigration reform (i.e., amnesty).”


(You may read Charles Krauthammer’s entire column HERE.)


The democrats already know this and that is the source of their consternation with Obama. They know he doesn’t give a darn about their problem, which for many could mean the end of their political careers. Even if the democrats lose the Congress in November, gaining reelection might be easier for Obama because he will have a GOP controlled Congress to run against. 


If you have not already picked up on it, pay attention and you will note that democratic candidates in this coming election are running against the Bush Administration.   Obama assists by blaming all his mistakes on the Bush Administration.  (NOTHING is EVER HIS fault.  But, hey!  That’s narcissism for ya!)   Blaming a Republican House of Representatives, or a Republican Senate, or a Republican Congress will be a natural fit for him.  And, Lord knows, he WILL spread it thick.


No, Obama doesn’t give a fig if the Democrats are wiped out this November.  It’s all about him – and his reelection in 2012.


The GOP had better wake-up and be darned sure to offer a slate of candidates conservatives can, and will, vote for.  Otherwise, they should save the campaign money for another time, because Obama is going to beat them “like” a drum in 2012.   Honestly, as I consider the names being floated about by the GOP, I don’t see a single one I can give my vote to and be honest with myself and remain true to my convictions.   Not a one!


I understand that US politics is so corrupt now that even ASKING a good man or a good woman to run for office is considered an insult!  Americans who live out here in the hinterlands are disgusted with the state of our government and occasionally one hears the muffled desire for a “do over.”


I am convinced that the US cannot continue, as a viable country, with the government having been hi-jacked by a bunch of jackleg progressive politicians the likes of which have not been seen since the days of the Carpetbaggers in period of continued “de-construction” of the Southern states after the WBTS.  There are just too many good people in America who want no part of the kind of corrupt government ruling over us today.   No. They want their country back.  Barring that, eventually they will exercise their only remaining option.   Even today, in certain parts of America, “Halftime” is not a reference to football.  


This is why the Mid-Term Election is so critical for America’s rescue.  Wresting control from the socialists, Marxists, and progressives at the ballot box will buy time for the changes that must be made in our government in order to return the US to its rightful place as a constitutional “representative” republic.  If we fail – then my best advice to all Americans is the old motto of the Boy Scouts – “Be Prepared.”  


In a letter to his wife, Abigail, in 1775, John Adams said the following: “But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. “


One of Mr. Adams’ observations bears, I think, great value to the situation we find ourselves in as Americans today.  He said: “Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.  (From “Thoughts on Government,” 1776)


 Our less than esteemed politicians, from the White House, to the Congress, to the Supreme Court apparently have forgotten this or simple refuse to accept it truth.  Perhaps, they are ignoring it because it does not fit into their template for a Socialists America.


Whatever the case, they would do well to absorb the wisdom of Mr. John Adams, and do everything in their power and apply their efforts to those who believe that America is worth rescuing from the clutches of those who have hi-jacked this nation with the intent to fundamentally change America into something she was never meant to be – a socialist society where mediocrity reigns.

J. D. Longstreet

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America: From A “SNAFU” To A “FUBAR”

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 22, 2010

America:  From A “SNAFU” To A “FUBAR”

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


In an article titled at entitled “Our Big Mistake,” Cal Thomas says: The liberal wing of the Democratic Party is dismantling the America we have known and loved and transforming it into something it has never been: a socialist state. If we let them do it, there will be no forgiveness, no excuse, and no going back. And our shame will be an indelible stain for which future generations will judge us.” (SOURCE)



How RIGHT he is!  Mr. Thomas is pointing something out, to his readers, which we warned of, long and loud, during the presidential campaign of 2008.  We did not SUGGEST this would happen, we told you, flat out, that if WOULD happen, not because we are so darned smart, but because history has taught us that you cannot place men like Obama in power and NOT expect them to assume dictatorial powers even if that means fundamentally transforming the country into a socialist dung heap in order to secure that power unto themselves.   But, then again, it was not only we who predicted this, it was Obama, himself, who promised “fundamental change” in America.   


Well, America elected Obama and as the bumper sticker asks:  “How’s that hopey/changey thingy working out for you, huh?”  I’d have to answer as the old farm boy that I am: “Not too goooood!”  The fact of the matter is – it is an unmitigated disaster!


Mr. Thomas goes on to say: The taxing and regulating has only just begun. The Obama people are not intrinsically evil. Like someone caught up in a cult, they sincerely believe in the fiction they are peddling: more taxes will produce a healthier economy; the record debt is not a problem; more regulation will result in banks and big businesses operating ethically and for the greater good of their customers and the country; nationalized health care will mean better care for the sick; unrestricted abortion and same-sex marriage are fine; unenforced immigration laws are good because Democrats need to import votes and Republicans want cheap labor.”  (SOURCE)


I have a slight disagreement with Mr. Thomas here.  The people of the Obama Regime may not be intrinsically evil, but, taken as a whole, I am very afraid that, collectively, they have become evil.

The country is broke and Obama and his socialist cronies with their socialist/marxist agenda for America are making it “broker.”  America is so deep in a financial hole it will literally take generations to get out — IF we are fortunate enough to survive, as a constitutional republic, far enough into the future to make survival as a single fifty-state nation worthwhile.  THAT is a BIG if!

Now we know we were lied to about Obamacare.  We were lied to about taxes.  We were lied to about federally funded abortions under ObamaCare — and that just scratches the surface of the parade of lies marching in lock step out of the Obama White House.  And, as singer Al Jolson used to say: “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”


Consider the following items on the Obama/democrat/socialist/marxist/progressive agenda:

Plans for OPEN BORDERS, plans for a ONE-WORLD FOREIGN POLICY, plans to LEGALIZE DRUGS, plans legalize EUTHANASIA, plans to DE CONSTRUCT THE MORAL VALUE AND ATTITUDES OF AMERICA and THE WESTERN WORLD, plans to push PROGRESSIVE IDEOLOGY OF RIGHTS AND ENTITLEMENTS, plans for the “get richer” scheme for America’s elite — referred to as the CAP AND TRADE SYSTEM, and more, much more

Just consider the Democratic Party today.  Some say socialists have HIJACKED THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, AND NOW they OWN IT LOCK, STOCK and BARREL.  (I’m not entirely sure the Democratic Party WAS hi-jacked by the socialists.  I tend to lean toward what I believe is closer to the truth — and that is that the Democratic Party found it had much more in common with the socialists than it did with democratic Americans and, therefore, simply embraced the socialist agenda and made it theirs.  The handful of true democrats remaining in that political party are sick at heart over what has happened to their political party. But, again, if history tells us anything — it is that the Democratic Party is lost, forever, to socialism/Marxism. 

Republicans should not become complacent, for the same socialist movement is creeping into the GOP’s fold and will, if not ruthlessly stamped out, consume them, as well.

Shortly after the Obama Regime took power in the US we speculated as to whom, exactly, was running the Obama Regime.  Many of us, with the same question, came to refer to this behind the scenes puppeteer as the Shadow Government.  It was quickly apparent to practiced observers of American politics that someone was pulling Obama’s strings and had been for a very long time.

For a young man to come out of near obscurity, with a shadowy history, to suddenly appear in the limelight and gather such a following does not just happen. It is carefully, meticulously, planned over years.  Obama is that man. 

Obama, with seeming messianic powers, became a fatal attraction for millions of American who bought his promises and fell in behind him as the children of Hamelin did the Pied Piper.  The results are turning out to be very much alike.

Obama is America’s Big Mistake.  It may yet be a fatal mistake.

This November, in the Mid-Term Election, Americans have a chance to blunt the power of Obama and the man, or men, behind him, the puppeteer, sometimes referred to as the shadow government.  In order to do so conservatives must vote in record numbers against the democratic candidates and GOP candidates who have shown any inclination toward supporting Obama’s socialist/marxist agenda.  We must regain control of at least one house of the Congress.  


As to the title for this column – SNAFU is an old military acronym.  It stands for “Situation Normal – All ****** Up!  America normally is, shall we say, “messed” up.  But that is the hallmark of a democratic nation.  Believe me, it would have been much worse had our forefather not chosen to create a constitutional “representative” republic for the people of this country.

When Obama and his minions took control of the US government “SNAFU” was the order of the day.  Within eighteen months, or so, the Obama Regime has managed to take America from “SNAFU” to “FUBAR,” which means “****** up Beyond All Recognition.”   I suspect that is why so many Americans do not recognize their country anymore.

J. D. Longstreet

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The Democrat’s “Coffee Party”

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 20, 2010

The Democrat’s “Coffee Party”

The Socialist Answer To The Tea Party

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


The democrats are nothing if they are not stunningly predictable.

The democrats have been having fits because the Tea Party is giving them fits.  They don’t like the Tea Party.  In fact – they HATE it!  But they WANT one and they want one in the worst sort of way.

Here is an excerpt from an article at the Washington Post entitled: “With ‘One Nation,’ liberal groups aim to match tea party’s energy, influence”:  

 “If imitation is the highest form of flattery, the “tea party” movement must be honored.

In an effort to replicate the tea party’s success, 170 liberal and civil rights groups are forming a coalition that they hope will match the movement’s political energy and influence. They promise to “counter the tea party narrative” and help the progressive movement find its voice again after 18 months of floundering.

The large-scale attempt at liberal unity, dubbed “One Nation,” will try to revive themes that energized the progressive grassroots two years ago.”

The article goes on to identify some of the organizations that will make up “One Nation”: 

The groups involved represent the core of the first-time voters who backed President Obama — including the National Council of La Raza, NAACP, AFL-CIO, SEIU and the United States Student Association. (The effort is separate from the Democratic Party’s plan to spend $50 million trying to reach those same voters.)” Read the entire article at the Washington Post HERE.


With only a cursory glance one finds so many problems with this that it is difficult to locate a point at which to begin pointing them out.

However, we will try.

First the Tea Party was created, for all intents and purposes, by the Democratic Party and, of course, their attempt to murder our republic. The dems didn’t MEAN to create a right wing political movement, but their massive attempt to turn the US from a constitutional republic to a socialist dung heap certainly caused the backlash that resulted in the Tea Party movement.

See, the Tea Party is a true grassroots organization.  It sprang from the people.  In the case of “One Nation, it is borning as a result of hatred of, and envy of, the Tea Party, and it is NOT, I repeat, it is NOT A GRASSROOITS organization

Politicians, labor leaders, and minority organizations are creating “One Nation.” (If “One Nation” is the name the dems finally settle upon.  The last we heard they were still arguing about the name of the organization.)

One thing we can be sure of, however, it will be run by, and used by, the Democratic Party and its socialist allies in the labor unions and the minority organizations, to dupe those who continually give their vote to the democrats, election after election, in order for the democrats to perpetuate their Plantation Politics movement which put Obama in the White House and gave them control of Congress.

You must understand:  The Democratic Party is made up of two kinds of members:  the used — and the users

You know, it really is sad to see an entire sector of the American population remain in slavery. Call it what you will but slavery comes closest to describing the condition of those who, for generations, have relied upon the government to feed them and cloth them and supply them with enough money to enjoy such things and large shiny cars, cell phones, cable TV, tattoos that cost hundreds of dollars, and luxuries the average middle class Americans will buy only with their disposable income.  It is the oldest of political strategies.  It is nothing more than buying votes. 

This is a shameful manner in which to conduct America’s political business.  But there appears to be no shame in the Democratic Party. 

Year after year we watch as they go about their skullduggery, unabashedly, from the precinct level all the way to the White House. 

The press, who used to be counted upon to be the watchdogs of the people, refuses to call them on their underhanded way of doing political business.  But that is no longer surprising as we have come to accept that the press has sold out to them, as well.

The Tea Party is not a Republican organization.  In fact the GOP is frightened and a little embarrassed by the Tea Party.   Oh, the GOP wants the support of the Tea Party, but they take umbrage at the way the Tea Party calls their hand on their lack of spine and their love for the “status quo,” in other words — the way the Republican Party abhors “rocking the boat.” The Tea Party revels in rocking the boat.


Those cobbling together the “Coffee Party,” One Nation, insist the democrats are not running them.   But even the dimmest bulb among us knows One Nation will be a democratic operation from top to bottom.

J. D. Longstreet

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No Federal Funds to Sanctuary Cities! By J. D. Longstreet

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on July 19, 2010

No Federal Funds to Sanctuary Cities!

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Allow me to express my feelings about the so-called sanctuary cities as clearly and succinctly as I possibly can.  I don’t like them.  I don’t like the idea of them and I really don’t like that my tax money, and yours, is going to those cities – at all!

The average American, I believe, would be surprised to learn that such cities actually exist today in the United States.  They would be even more surprised, I contend, and possibly enraged if they were suddenly made aware that US taxpayer dollars are still flowing into those cities even as those “sanctuary cities” assume an “in your face” refusal to obey the laws of the US.

So – what are sanctuary cities?  “Sanctuary City” is a term given to a city in the United States that follows certain practices that protect illegal immigrants. These practices can be by law (de jure) or they can be by habit (de facto). The term generally applies to cities that do not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce federal immigration laws, usually by not allowing police or municipal employees to inquire about one’s immigration status. (SOURCE)

Here in North Carolina we have, at last count, six sanctury cities and one sancutary county.  I’d bet you have sanctuary cities and/or counties in your state as well. For a state by state listing of sanctury cities and counties go HERE.

A few days a go, President Obama and US Attorney General Holder sued to overturn Arizona’s new immigration law, on the grounds that it could lead to a patchwork of state immigration rules.  The Arizona law, which will go into effect on July 29 — unless the courts blocks it — requires authorities to inquire about the legal status of any detained person they have reasonable suspicion might be in the US illegally. The Arizona law was amended to prohibit using race or ethnicity as a reason for suspicion. (Read more on this HERE.)

But the US President and his cohort, the US Attorney General, realize the Democratic Party will need the combined hispanic and black vote this coming November to have any chance of maintaining their control of the Congress.  They are bound and determined to make a “show” of dragging the people of the state of Arizone through the courts.  Surely, they must know the Arizona law has an extremely good chance of surviving a test by the US Supreme Court.  I contend that they do.

If the Obama Regime was serious about their attack on Arizona, they would be suing every sanctuary city, county, and state in the country — and the democrats who control the nations purse strings would be cutting-off all federal funding, of any kind, going to the people of those city, county and state governments.  But they aren’t – and there is the answer.   

What you are seeing here, dear reader, is the Democratic Party’s practice of “Plantatioin Politics” at its finest.

In an article titled: “OBAMA AND PLANTATION POLITICS,” by Frances Rice, published at “BLACK REPUBLICAN: National Black Republican Association E-News” (HERE) Ms. Price writes: “To his eternal shame, in order to acquire and maintain power, President Barack Obama has adopted the Democratic Party’s strategy of keeping blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats.

Using the politics of poverty and race baiting, Obama garnered nearly 96 percent of the black vote that helped propel him to the pinnacle of power.  That power is now being used by Obama to accomplish his liberal agenda, which includes wrecking our economy and weakening our national defense, leaving us vulnerable to another terrorist attack.”

Ms. Prices goes on to say the following: “While professing to care about the plight of the poor, Obama continues to take actions that keep blacks impoverished, so he can use black grievances for partisan political gain.  In his book “Dreams From My Father”, Obama wrote disdainfully about blacks who complain about being poor, yet continue to vote for Democrats — like Obama — who keep them poor.  On page 147 of his book, Obama described what he and his fellow Democrats do to poor blacks as “plantation politics” when he wrote: “A plantation.  Black people in the worst jobs.  The worst housing.  Police brutality rampant.  But when the so-called black committeemen came around election time, we’d all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket.  Sell our soul for a Christmas turkey.”  You may read the entire article (HERE).

The Obama Regime’s attack on Arizona, while ignoring all the sanctuary cities is a charade – nothing more.  Obama is putting up a good front for the benefit of the Black and Hispanic vote. 

Look, for the Obama Regime to say that their administration will NOT go after the sanctuary cities because they do not interfere with the US government and that they WILL go after Arizona because it does — is pure double speak designed to placate the US minorities of the Black and Hispanic persuasion.  Down on the farm we have another word (or two) for it, but as this is a family site we won’t use them here.  However, the initials are B. S.)

I cannot speak for the Blacks and Hispanics in America, but I know this:  If I were one of them I’d be deeply insulted by all the posturing, and all the lies, and all the condescension coming from the democrats and the Obama Regime.  There is one thing for sure though:  Your votes cannot be bought – if they are not for sale. 

And finally, I’m just an old country boy, but It seems to me that voting for anyone because his/her skin is black is just as racist as voting against someone because his/her skin is black. I would ask only that you consider the above carefully because, if all goes as planned, I feel certain we will have that choice again in November of 2012.

J. D. Longstreet

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