Hurricane Alley… by J. D. Longstreet

Barack Obama: A Bill of Indictment … By Alan Caruba

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 30, 2010

Barack Obama: A Bill of Indictment

By Alan Caruba

Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All those with business before the court of public opinion will draw near. A bill of indictment has been issued for Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America. It is a call for justice from the people of the United States who allege that he is engaged in the destruction of their nation.

For the court’s consideration, it is alleged:

That he secured the office of President by falsely stating he is a natural born citizen of the United States without providing irrefutable documentation and witnesses thereof,

That he associated with persons known and unknown to hold anti-American views antithetical to the conduct of his office, to include a convicted felon, an unrepentant former domestic terrorist, among too many others to innumerate,

That he has created an unaccountable level of governmental policy-making with the largest expansion of presidential advisors, “czars”, in the history of the executive branch,

That, while in his first six months, he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia and Emperor of Japan, an act that contradicts the primacy of the office of the U.S. presidency,

That, in contradiction to his sworn duty to protect the nation, he announced the termination of the U.S. space defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM,

That he ordered the release of memos regarding the interrogation of terrorists interned in U.S. facilities at Guantanamo, making known to the Islamist enemies of the nation the manner of their interrogation,

That he appointed as Secretary of Homeland Security, an individual who ordered that the word “terrorism” be replaced by the term, “man made disasters,”

That, during his first six months in office, he doubled the U.S. national debt, currently at an unsustainable level, threatening the value of the U.S. dollar,

That he signed into law a “stimulus” bill, the bulk of whose funds were allocated to government employee unions under the guise of generating millions of new jobs in the private sector,

That he signed into law a “Troubled Asset Relief Program” that, contrary to the Constitution, promoted short term private benefit, rather than the general welfare, while evading the constitutional requirement of equal protection, saving some businesses while letting others expire,

That he by-passed the established legal process of bankruptcy to seize control of General Motors and Chrysler auto manufacturers, benefiting unions to the loss of creditors,

That, in collusion with the majority leaders of the House of Representatives and the Senate, he initiated and engineered the passage of legislation that nationalized the healthcare industry despite overwhelming opposition by the American People,

That he has participated in national and international conferences to advocate the discredited theory of global warming and continues to advance Cap-and-Trade legislation based on it; a massive tax on energy use that will undermine the recovery of the economy,

That he has failed to protect the United States by failing to secure its southern border with Mexico and is threatening to take legal action against Arizona, a sovereign State that has passed legislation in lieu of that failure,

That he has consistently advocated “global government” over the sovereignty of the United States,

That he declared his intention to “bankrupt” the coal industry, responsible for one half of the electricity generated to serve the needs of Americans,

That he failed to take immediate and effective action to deter widespread ecological and economic damage to States bordering the Gulf of Mexico following an accident on a BP deepwater oil rig, including a “moratorium” on oil drilling that threw thousands out of work,

That he continues to advocate “a clean energy future” when such energy, solar and wind, exist only because of government subsidies and mandates, are a dangerously unpredictable source of electricity, and produce less than three percent of the electricity generated nationwide,

That two private investigators have asserted he is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in that State and that the number was issued between 1977 and 1979. Obama’s earliest employment reportedly was in 1975 at a Baskin-Robbins in Oahu, Hawaii,

And, for these and other hidden records regarding his birth, his overseas travel to Pakistan, college records, medical records, and other means of verifying a legitimate claim to hold the office of the President,

We, the People of the United States of America demand that impeachment proceedings be initiated or that cases pending before the courts be adjudicated at the earliest possible time to prevent further damage to the economy and security of the nation.

Alan Caruba writes a daily post at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.

© Alan Caruba, 2010

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Obama and the “Internet Kill Switch!”

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 29, 2010

Obama and the “Internet Kill Switch!”

Obama Moves One Step Closer To Control Of The Internet

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


WE saw this coming years ago and warned that if Obama was elected he and the Socialist/Democrats would make a strong effort to take over the Internet

Well, recently, a US. Senate Panel approved an Internet “Kill Switch” for Obama. The so-called “kill switch” gives the President the power to “turn off the Internet.”

A sponsor of the bill was heard to say that the ChiCom (Chinese Communist) had that power in their country, and he felt the US government needed that same power, as well.

It seems to have, somehow, escaped the notice of those who pushed this abomination of a bill through the senate panel that China is a communist nation.  A dictatorship. 

Oh, you are going to love the title of this bill.  It is: “Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act.”  Don’t you just love the way the socilaists in our Congress wrap themselves in red, white, and blue while they push harder and harder, every day, to take our hard won freedom away?

Look,  this is serous stuff.  The Internet is the most powerful weapon Americans can use to thwart the agenda of the Socialists in the US government.  They KNOW THAT and they are determined to either bring it under their control – or – shut it down inside the United States.  The voice of desent cannot be allowed in an Obama Regime!

There is, at this moment, a two pronged attack on the Internet by the Obama Regime.  The Federal Communications Commison is stacked with Obama supporters and the socialist/democrats in the Congress. They, too, are handmaidens of the Obama Regime in silencing the voices of those who speak out against Obama’s socialist agenda.

In a piece I wrote, just a few days ago entitled:  “Obama’s Assault On The INTERNET Has Begun” (HERE.)  I wrote the following: The courts told the FCC this week to “stand back,” and keep their hands off the Internet.  But, do not think, for one second, they are about to allow a little thing like the law to get in the way of a take over of the Internet — not for one second.  Already, they are looking at regulating the Internet as a public utility.    


Look, we warned and warned and warned that Obama’s Marxist buddies in the FCC and the Congress would come after free speech on the Internet. Well, here they come!


Socialist/Marxist/Progressive Congresspersons, and Senators, are scrambling to get in line to fulfill Obama’s wish to control the Internet and the free speech on it. 


They can see the Mid-Term Election looming on the distant horizon of November and they know they have limited time to strangle free speech on the Internet with their Marxist chains. 


Think I’m blowing smoke?  Think again.  They are vowing to do whatever is necessary to see that the Federal Communications Commission is handed control over providers of Internet services.”


Now, only a few days later, comes the move by Obama’s minions in the Senate to grant him control over the Internet by presenting him with a so-called “Kill Switch.”

Look, control of the Internet, with a Kill Switch, is just another grasp for power by the Obama Regime and the socialist/democrats in Congress.  Sure, they claim it is only for use in wartime. 


It is supposed to save the Internet from an enemy’s cyber attack.

Those who spend much time on the Internet know that cyber attacks are a frequent thing on the Internet — whether we are at war, or not.

The Internet has its own way of dealing with these attacks. Government intervention is not needed — nor is it welcome.

Consider this: a single security system is much easier to defeat than a hodge – podge of hundreds, even thousands, of private sector security systems built by private sector companies, or individuals, to defend their interests on the Internet.

There is only one reason for Obama to have a Kill Switch for the Internet. That is for control of the citizens of America. Parse it any way you like, that is the bottom line.

J. D. Longstreet

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Is Obama Abusing the President’s Executive Order Privilege?

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 28, 2010

Is Obama Abusing the President’s Executive Order Privilege?

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet



Is Obama using the executive order to legislate, or make law, from the Oval Office — therefore circumventing the Congress?  That is a good question and one that has been put to me a number of times recently by close friends.  I must admit, as well, to a grave concern on my part about the seeming way Obama appears to be legislating from the Oval Office.


It has become apparent to many Americans that Congress needs to take a closer look, to evaluate, a number of executive orders by Obama.


Before you get your knickers in a knot, understand that we are living in extremely precarious times here, in America, under the socialist yoke of the Obama Regime.


See, the plain truth is — the only basis in the Constitution for an executive order is in Article II, Section 1:


“The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.”

and Article II, Section 3:


“He [the President] shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”


Some of you may remember that the Supreme Court ruled that President Truman’s 1952 order to “nationalize” all the steel mills in the US, by placing them under federal control, was invalid because, according to the Court, it was an attempt to make law.


It has become clear that President Obama is ruling more as a king than a president and if the American people do not insist that Congress put the quietus on his executive order proclamations — the US is in serious danger of losing our constitutional republic and once again becoming a people ruled by a king and a would-be dictator.


It would seem that Obama subscribes to what is known as the Unitary Executive theory.  “The unitary executive theory is a theory of American constitutional law holding that the President controls the entire executive branch. The doctrine is based upon Article Two of the United States Constitution, which vests “the executive power” of the United States in the President.


Although that general principle is widely accepted, there is disagreement about the strength and scope of the doctrine. It can be said that some favor a “strongly unitary” executive, while others favor a “weakly unitary” executive. The former group argue, for example, that Congress’ power to interfere with intra-executive decision-making (such as firing executive branch officials) is limited, and that the President can control policy-making by all executive agencies within the limits set for those agencies by Congress. Still others agree that the Constitution requires a unitary executive, but believe this is a bad thing, and propose its abolition by constitutional amendment.  (From Wikipedia HERE.)


I happen to be one of those Americans who believe that, as stated above, the President can control policy-making by all executive agencies within the limits set for those agencies by Congress. 


If the rumors that Obama is about to sign an executive order to grant amnesty to the illegal aliens already within the United States are true – then the Congress needs to look into it.  Should Obama issued such an executive order, then it certainly must be challenged all the way to the Supreme Court for a ruling. 


The Socialist/Democrats in the US government are over reaching — just as we warned they would.  They ALWAYS do it.  It is some sort of compulsive behavior on the part of the democrats. It often leads to their downfall. 


The democrats in our government have become so used to manipulation by the “man behind the curtain,” the “Shadow Government,” or whoever is pulling their strings, they appear to now believe their own prevarications.  They live in a world created for them by those who “run” them, who “oversee” them, and they are completely cut off from those they THINK they represent.  They are living an illusion.


The Democrat’s Grand Illusion, however, is dangerous for America. They believe the American people want a shepherd.  Because their fellow democrats want a “Sugar Daddy,” they believe Americans, as a whole, want a “Sugar Daddy.”  And worst of all they have convinced themselves that a benign dictator is best for America, and Obama, a seriously flawed narcissist, fits the bill.  To make matters worse Obama believes it, too! As a result America, under the Obama Regime, is being ruled by an oligarchy of one – Obama!


America must be set aright this November.  The Obama Regime has seen the handwriting on the wall and they have plans, already in the works, to stop conservative efforts to rescue America from their socialist clutches at the ballot box in the Mid-Term Elections this fall.  If conservatives are not victorious, then Obama’s executive orders will be the least of our worries.


Is rule by military fiat next to teach us a lesson?  Let’s not find out.  The Obama Regime, and its Socialist/Marxist agenda, must be stopped if America is to survive.


J. D. Longstreet 

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Obama to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Aliens by Executive Order?

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 24, 2010

Obama to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Aliens by Executive Order?

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


This ought to frighten every American to his/her core. Below is an excerpt from a letter sent to the President from a few republican members of the US Senate recently:


“Several Senators have learned of a possible plan by the Obama Administration that would provide a mass Amnesty for the nation’s 11-18 million illegal aliens. Led by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), eight Senators addressed a letter to the President asking for answers to questions about a plan that would allow DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano to provide an amnesty if they can’t secure enough votes for a bill in the Senate. 

The letter that was sent to Pres. Obama earlier today asks the President for clarification on the use of deferred action or parole for illegal aliens. The executive actions are typically used in special cases and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but if 60 votes can’t be secured in the Senate to pass a mass Amnesty, the Administration may use the discretionary actions as an alternative.” (SOURCE)


That letter was signed by: Sens. Grassley, Hatch (R-Utah), Vitter (R-La.), Bunning (R-Ky.), Chambliss (R-Ga.), Isakson (R-Ga.), Inhofe (R-Okla.), and Cochran (R-Miss.).

You may read the text of the letter HERE.

Rumors are flying and tempers are flaring in Washington, DC as rumors that President Obama intends to grant amnesty to nearly 20 million illegal aliens, already residing within the United States, with the stroke of his pen.  It would take the form of a Presidential Executive Order.  Outrage is spreading among the legal citizens of the US with the rapidity of a prairie fire in August.


Americans are concerned that by nothing more than the stroke of a pen Obama could grant the amnesty.


It was revealed recently that Obama has no intention of securing the southern border with Mexico until his Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill is passed.  You know, the “Amnesty for Illegal Aliens bill.”


This certainly not something my fellow Americans can just shrug off! 


It has become clear over the first few months of the Obama Regime that the American President is a socialist with strong dictatorial leanings.  His sidling up to Hugo Chavez in Venezuela is proof enough, for many of us, that he admires Mr. Chavez’ type government (Socialist/Marxist) and Obama’s actions have certainly led us to believe that he favors “dictating” over administering a constitutional “REPRESENTATIVE” republic.


This “amnesty by executive order” will prove, once and for all, the evolution of Obama into an American dictator. 


We have been warning since the presidential campaign, back in 2008, that this is where Obama would eventually take the United States.  His narcissistic personality shone through, even then, and frightened many conservative commentators who warned time and time again that an administration led by Obama would be dangerous to our constitutional republic.


Obama has shown time and again that he will brook no disagreement from anyone within his Regime.  He rules with an iron fist.


The American people are as angry as I have ever seen them in my nearly seven decades on this planet.  Their fuse is growing extremely short. If Obama signs the rumored executive order, granting amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens in the US today, I am convinced it will be the last straw, and it will push outraged Americans, who have seen their country go from a Constitutional Republic to a Banana Republic, much like those in South American countries, over the edge sparking the unthinkable. 


IF Obama goes through with this Amnesty by Executive Order, it is almost certain there will be attempts in the Congress to impeach him.  But with Obama’s minions in charge of the Congress there is little chance impeachment proceedings would ever see the light of day.   Should this happen, it is all but certain there will be an uprising, of some sort, by the American people. 


The US is a country founded through revolution. As a direct descendant of a number of Confederate soldiers, I am not unfamiliar with the dangers to the citizens when a government uses it’s mailed fist to do whatever it pleases, the law not withstanding.


Look, those of us who are sentient beings are aware that the US has reached something of a “tipping point.”  We have reached that apex of stress and fear at which anything is possible.  Somehow, our so-called leadership does not see it, nor feel it, insulated as they are from those they supposedly represent.  THAT is what makes this point in our history such an extremely dangerous time.  


Something is about to happen.  You can feel it.


Americans will not abide an oppressive government one second longer than it must.  We are headed toward an event, on this continent, the likes of which the world has not seen since the 1770’s. 


America is divided into two camps and we are rushing toward each other like two run-away locomotives. The inevitable crash will change things, not just in America, but planet-wide.


Divine intervention would be greatly appreciated just now.


J. D. Longstreet


(If you would like to receive commentaries by J. D. Longstreet for your blog, contact J. D. at:  In the “subject” line please write: “wish to receive commentaries.”

 Thanks for your interest!

 J. D. Longstreet)

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US Borders to remain unsecured until Amnesty for illegal Aliens is approved?

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 22, 2010

US Borders to remain unsecured until Amnesty for illegal Aliens is approved?

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


According to an article at Fox Nation (HERE.), that is what Arizona Senator Jon Kyle reported to an audience at a town Hall meeting where he spoke. The article goes on to say that Senator Kyl told the audience, at a tea party meeting, that the President, himself, told Kyl, in a face-to-face meeting in the Oval Office the he (Obama) feared the GOP would not support his “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” bill (Otherwise known as the Amnesty for illegal Aliens bill) bill if he secured the borders first.

According to Fox Nation, Kyl reported the President said: “The problem is, if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.”  Then Kyl went on to say:  “In other words, they’re holding it hostage.”  The report says there was an audible gasp from those present at the meeting when Kyl reported this bit of news.

Soon after Kyl’s remarks were made public, the White House denied the President had made such a statement. But Kyl’s office is standing by what the Senator said.

Kyl also says the President made it clear to him that the promise of those National Guard troops he promised to send to the southern border was a political tactic on his part, (The President) to help assure the passage of Obama’s comprehensive immigration Reform – AKA Amnesty for Illegal Aliens.

None of this should surprise anyone.  This type of thuggery, and political blackmail, has become a hallmark of the Obama Regime. As we pointed out some months ago, the Obama regime is set-up to operate as a “political mafia” organizations taking their cues from the gang bosses of the early crime families in Chicago.

Well, the republicans had their Nixon, and now the democrats have their Obama and, as far as I can tell, there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the two presidential administrations. 

If you recalled we warned you early on that the democrats would not be able to contain themselves and the lust for power.  We warned often to expect the democrats to “overreach.” They do it every time they game the upper hand in the nation’s legislature and/or the White House. All one has to do is just observe the democratic leadership in the US House of Representatives, and in the US Senate and, of course, in the White House.

The Mainstream Media is playing right along as the

lead propagandists of the Obama Regime in an attempt to keep the US citizens distracted with all the many and varied crises sucking up all the ink from their publications and all the air time from their broadcasts.

And… to make matters even worse for those of us who oppose Amnesty, there has been a huge disconnect between the citizens of America and their representatives in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate.  I must tell you, however, I now have doubts about that “disconnect.”  I have come to believe that more than a “disconnect” it is a “deliberate distancing” of our national legislators from their constituents — especially for those that follow in Obama’s footsteps and subscribe to his socialist dogma.

Well, We have said all along the problem with illegal immigration across our southern border could be fixed, almost immediately, if the government wanted it fixed.  Now we know for certain that they do not want the southern border sealed.  See, those are democratic voters coming across that invisible line headed north into the land of milk and honey and — along side them on their northward trek — is cheap labor!

As you can see with this latest revelation by Arizona’s Senator Kyl, the American people are at an impasse with their government.

So, what so we Americans do with a government that refuses to enforce America’s laws?  The answer?  Throw them out of office this November. 

The Founders of America intended this country to be administered by a government that governed with “the consent of the people.”  Clearly that is less and less the case as each recent election has shown.

It is time for Americans to reclaim their right to a government that responds to the wishes of the people by tossing out those who refuse.  Their replacements would be well advised not to unpack their luggage to quickly upon their arrival in Washington, DC.

J. D. Longstreet

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Obama’s Socialist Hammer Comes Down on the Internet!

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 21, 2010

Obama’s Socialist Hammer Comes Down on the Internet!

Conservative Bloggers:  LOOK OUT!

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet reports the following: “The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted on Thursday to begin the formal process of bringing the Internet under greater federal control – a move sought by both President Barack Obama and FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski–even though federal law calls for an Internet “unfettered by Federal or State regulation.”  The report goes on to say: “The FCC is now trying to reclassify the Internet to broaden its authority over the Web.” 

How is Obama’s FCC planning to get their mailed fist around the throat of the Internet?  It is very simple, really.  CNSNews informs us in their report how they will do it.  The report says: “The 3-2 party-line vote on Thursday at the FCC began the formal process of reclassifying the Internet as a telecommunications service instead of an information service – its current classification. This is necessary because, as an information service, the government has little power to regulate Internet networks.  But the report goes on to explain: “As a telecommunications service, such as a telephone network, the Internet would fall under a much broader regulatory scope – giving the government the power to enforce universal service requirements, making them pay into a federal universal service fund used to provide communications services to poor areas.”

Please, we URGE you read this article in its entirety.  You will find it at CNSNEW.COM HERE.

If there was ever a case of the “camel’s nose under the tent,” this is most assuredly IT!

Look, I worked in the broadcast industry for nearly 30 years.  I can tell, from experience, that, in my day, the broadcast industry was one of the most government-regulated industries in the country, if not THE most regulated.

To the broadcast industry, the Federal Communications industry is G O D!  They say: “JUMP!” and the broadcaster says: “How high?”  And he does it while jumping!

So, bloggers enjoy your freedom of speech for a few more months.  Experience tells me the end is in sight.

The old soviet KGB has nothing on the agents of the FCC. Expect them to monitor the Internet much as they did the AM and FM broadcast bands.  If they hear something they don’t like, you WILL get a visit.  It could be a costly visit.

We are convinced that Obama’s FCC is a political machine, a club to be wielded against those who speak out against the Socialists, Marxists, Statists, Progressives, Liberals, and/or Democrats controlling the US government today. Unless the Supreme Court stops them they WILL swing that club and conservative sites, conservative bloggers, especially, will be the very first targets.

See, the Obama Regime must gain control of the communications networks in America.  The broadcast networks apparently have voluntarily made a gift of their fealty to the socialist agenda of this regime, as have many in the major print media – that which we often refer to as the Mainstream Media.

As we have so often reminded our readers, Obama promised to “fundamentally change” America.  He cannot do that as long as the Internet hosts conservative bloggers who insist on pointing out the socialist agenda of the Obama regime. I am convinced this administration would nationalize the broadcast and print media — and the Internet — if they thought they could get away with it.  Believe me – if we give them that time, they WILL do it!

Think I am paranoid?  Let me assure you, there may be times I would agree with that assessment of my scribbling – but NOT THIS TIME!  I KNOW what the FCC can do when they decide to bring the hammer down.

CNSNEWS informs us: “The FCC will now begin the mandatory public comment period, where it will solicit input from private companies and citizens about whether it should reclassify the Internet and, if so, how it should do it.” 

If you value a free and open Internet then let your voice be heard.  Write the FCC and tell them so — and demand they back off and leave the Internet alone.  Write your Congresspersons and Senators and explain your feelings on this matter to them and ask for their support of a free and open Internet.

I have warned for months, yea, years, that this was coming. I have seen no sense of alarm among fellow bloggers.  Maybe it was/is there and I have somehow missed it.  I sincerely hope that is the case.  I fear it is not. 

Believe me, t will take a MASSIVE effort to stop this particular power grab by the Obama Regime.  Frankly, I don’t expect those of us who value a free and open Internet to be victorious. 

But we have to try!

My close friends refer to me as the original Man of La Mancha.  I have a penchant for joisting with windmills.  I have been “un-horsed” and knocked on my behind so many times I cannot count them.  I have learned a valuable lesson from those painful encounters.  That is — you cannot hope to win, if you don’t attack, and continue to take the battle to the enemy, time and time again for as long as you have the strength to press the attack.

There is the famous story, among we descendants of Confederate soldiers, of the Confederate general who sent a dispatch to General Lee in which he declared that he was totally surrounded by the enemy, cut off from any reinforcements, his troops were decimated, out of ammunition, and their rations were gone.  The brave general declared that his situation was hopeless. Therefore, he informed General Lee, he would attack at dawn!

THAT is the attitude we must have as we gear up to fight this attack on the First Amendment of the Constitution.

We must take a stand for freedom and we must do it NOW! 

J. D. Longstreet

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Obama To Sue Over Arizona Immigration Law?

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 18, 2010

Obama To Sue Over Arizona Immigration Law?

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


The American left wings sainted secretary of State, Mrs. Bill Clinton, reported allowed on Ecuadorian TV as to how the Obama Regime intends to sue the State of Arizona over Arizona’s new immigration law.  Even with the, oh, so “transparent” Obama Regime, the governor of Arizona had to learn this from a news report on TV!  Is she angry?  You but your bippy she is!


Look, the United States of America is, today, united in name only!  If we have not as a nation divided into two camps, every bit as stark as the states just prior to the American War Between the States, then we are sure as heck approaching that condition.


The Confederate States seceded because they could not abide a growing central government dictating to sovereign states what they would and would not be allowed to do.  They believed so much in the original constitution of the Founding Fathers that they copied it as the Constitution of the Confederacy.  Google the Confederate Constitution and read it for yourselves.  You will note a few changes, such as a single 6-year term for the President, but by and large, it is the original US Constitution.


We are living history today.  We are watching our country break apart, a little at a time, and the root cause is the imposition of a central government, controlled by socialist, progressives, marxists, Statists, liberals, and even the odd Maoist thrown in, here and there, which is drunk on power and lusting for even more. 


Americans are losing their hard won freedom little by little as the Obama Regime takes advantage of every crisis, real or imagined, or just plain manufactured to instill fear in Americans that their only salvation is in falling at the feet of Obama, and his minions, and worshiping by sacrificing their free and swearing fealty to the current socialist regime which is, every day it seems, simply assuming the powers of an American dictatorship. 


I have news for the socialists in charge of our government.  Their orgy of power will end, and end very soon, or they will have only a part of the existing states to run rampant over with their atrocious acts of barbarism and vandalism aimed at the few freedoms the American citizens have left.


As much as the federal government likes to believe, and delude others by insisting the states are not sovereign entities, they are WRONG!


Arizona, a former member of the Confederacy, WAS and REMAINS a sovereign state.  The federal government CANNOT impose its will on the people of that state — unless the Arizonans willingly accept it.


One of the extremely important facts about this country the democrats choose not to remember is that 11 states and parts of two other states are a part of the US ONLY BECAUSE THEY WERE FORCED AT THE POINT OF A FEDERAL GOVERENMENT BAYONET TO REJOIN THE UNION!


Revisionist history does not teach our students the horrible injustices done those former Confederate states after the war under the guise of “Reconstruction.”

If you want to know what an all powerful, vengeful, federal government can do to its own subjugated citizen, do a little research on the south for roughly seven to ten years after the war.  You will be horrified.


I include these remarks about the war and Reconstruction as a warning.   Unless our government returns to governing as a constitutional republic, as much as I hate to consider it, Americans will be at each other’s throats.


History does repeat itself.  The Obama Regime is making similar mistakes as the Lincoln administration.  It is alienating its citizens. 


The American people, as a whole, have a very long fuse, and we remind the federal government that at the end of that fuse lies an obstinate, stubborn, freedom loving people who have no intention of giving up their sacred freedom by lying down and rolling over for some tin pot dictator and his flunkies in OUR nation’s capitol.


May God have mercy on America because there is a backlash, of biblical proportions, building today and it could explode at any moment.


J. D. Longstreet

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From Sea to Shining “Si”

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 16, 2010

From Sea to Shining “Si”

A commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I WISH I had said it, but I did not.  I mean the catchy phrase in the title of this piece.  I heard a comedian use it recently and I thought then that it captures the condition America finds itself in today will illegal aliens from Mexico flooding into our country from across an unsecured, wide-open border between Mexico and the US.

Honestly, I don’t think the US government actually knows how many illegals we have living in the US.  They keep tossing out the number of 12 million, or so.  Well, that was the number used many years ago.  Common sense dictates that there is many more than 12 million illegal aliens in the US today – if — that number was correct when it was first used years ago.

Now The Obama Regime wants Congress to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill. Yep!  It’s the same song, third verse.  When one translates the title of the bill into non-politically correct English one finds that it means AMNESTY!


Look, all Obama’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform will do is guarantee even more illegal aliens will come running across that border headed north into America.  Why?  Because they will have deduced that all they have to do is be INSIDE America when the NEXT AMNESTY is declared.  And they are right!


America does not need a Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill.  American simply needs to enforce its own immigration laws! As the state of Arizona is proving, enforcement of the law will lead to voluntary immigration southward — back into Mexico and beyond. 

The plain truth is – America’s borders will be secured the minute the US Government wants them secured and not before. That’s the problem.  The government does not want the borders secured.  In fact, just the opposite is true. 

We have a government of Globalists, I am afraid.  They are the folks who don’t believe in borders – at all.  They are hard at work pushing world wide-open borders.   See, they NEED open borders, or no borders at all, in order to realize their ultimate goal of global governance.

The end game is worldwide socialism. Marxists-Leninists have been preaching for years that America can be brought to heel and capitalism smothered to death through immigration.  The idea is to flood capitalist/industrialized nations, such as the US, with low skilled, under educated, poverty strickened masses of immigrants, and use them as a tool to create civil unrest and eventually bring down capitalism and crush the constitutional republic of the US and replace it with socialism/communism.  

Somehow, the Democratic Party in the US forged far ahead of the Globalists by installing a socialist government in America’s national legislature and in the office of the President. 

Well, Americans have had a taste of socialism, thanks to the democrats, and, for the most part, they are sick of the incremental imposition of socialist slavery and want to be done with it by purging the Congress of as many Socialist/Globalists, Marxists, Maoists, Progressives, and as many pitiful guilt-ridden liberals as we possibly can in November. 

Oh, and while we are at it, we need to search out those laboring, sub-rosa, for a North American Union and get rid of them as well.


J. D. Longstreet 

From Sea to Shining “Si”

A commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I WISH I had said it, but I did not.  I mean the catchy phrase in the title of this piece.  I heard a comedian use it recently and I thought then that it captures the condition America finds itself in today will illegal aliens from Mexico flooding into our country from across an unsecured, wide-open border between Mexico and the US.


Honestly, I don’t think the US government actually knows how many illegals we have living in the US.  They keep tossing out the number of 12 million, or so.  Well, that was the number used many years ago.  Common sense dictates that there is many more than 12 million illegal aliens in the US today – if — that number was correct when it was first used years ago.


Now The Obama Regime wants Congress to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill. Yep!  It’s the same song, third verse.  When one translates the title of the bill into non-politically correct English one finds that it means AMNESTY!


Look, all Obama’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform will do is guarantee even more illegal aliens will come running across that border headed north into America.  Why?  Because they will have deduced that all they have to do is be INSIDE America when the NEXT AMNESTY is declared.  And they are right!


America does not need a Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill.  American simply needs to enforce its own immigration laws! As the state of Arizona is proving, enforcement of the law will lead to voluntary immigration southward — back into Mexico and beyond. 


The plain truth is – America’s borders will be secured the minute the US Government wants them secured and not before. That’s the problem.  The government does not want the borders secured.  In fact, just the opposite is true. 


We have a government of Globalists, I am afraid.  They are the folks who don’t believe in borders – at all.  They are hard at work pushing world wide-open borders.   See, they NEED open borders, or no borders at all, in order to realize their ultimate goal of global governance.


The end game is worldwide socialism. Marxists-Leninists have been preaching for years that America can be brought to heel and capitalism smothered to death through immigration.  The idea is to flood capitalist/industrialized nations, such as the US, with low skilled, under educated, poverty strickened masses of immigrants, and use them as a tool to create civil unrest and eventually bring down capitalism and crush the constitutional republic of the US and replace it with socialism/communism.  


Somehow, the Democratic Party in the US forged far ahead of the Globalists by installing a socialist government in America’s national legislature and in the office of the President. 


Well, Americans have had a taste of socialism, thanks to the democrats, and, for the most part, they are sick of the incremental imposition of socialist slavery and want to be done with it by purging the Congress of as many Socialist/Globalists, Marxists, Maoists, Progressives, and as many pitiful guilt-ridden liberals as we possibly can in November. 


Oh, and while we are at it, we need to search out those laboring, sub-rosa, for a North American Union and get rid of them as well.


J. D. Longstreet

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Never Allow A Serious Crisis To Go To Waste

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 15, 2010

Never Allow A Serious Crisis To Go To Waste

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

A think we can all agree that the “Gulf Gusher” crisis is serious.  And I AM concerned.  Certainly, I am concerned over the problems presented by the oil leak in the ocean, but, frankly, I am concerned more about what may be happening in Washington while America’s attention is focused on that crisis.

It was Obama’s Chief of Staff whom famously, or I famously, said: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”  THAT worries me because I have to wonder what the Obama Regime is using the Gulf Oil spill to camouflage. 

If we know anything about this regime, it is that they will use the opportunity presented by the gushing oil to slip something through the Congress or, by executive order, slip something through one or more of the cabinet offices that they know the American people would raise holy heck about – if only they knew it was happening.

Its not that this approach to governing is new — for it most certainly is not.  Diversion is one of the oldest tools in the “politics toolbox.”  However, in a representative republic it is not only distasteful, it is, well, not representative of the will of the people.  It intentionally shuts the people out.  It silences their voice.  It brings to a screeching halt any input into the legislative process by the people. “Vox Populi” is censored – period!  

I am more than a little concerned the Obama Regime will take advantage of the current crisis to make things happen in Washington that ordinarily would not happen.

As we have noted many times in the past, Obama promised to fundamentally change America — and he is doing just that.

If you have paid attention to the Presidential polls you have seen that Obama’s approval ratings have dropped drastically in the past few months.  That is indicative of the fact that more and more Americans are recognizing the humongous error the country made in electing a socialist to the Presidency. 

Little by little Americans have come to realize the dangers Obama’s plans hold for the sustainability of a constitutional republic.   Many of those who voted for Obama now realize they do NOT want the change he is bent on bringing to America. They have come to realize, also, the price to be paid for Obama’s America is a loss of freedom. 

Conservatives all across the country are banding together to fight Obama’s plans for a socialist America in groups such as the Tea Party Movement.  There are many other groups gearing up to fight the socialists, progressives, marxists, and liberals in the 6 months, or so, to the Mid-Term Election in November.

As we observe the ineptitude of a President, obviously “in over his head,” trying to manage the “Gulf Gusher” problem, it is clear that his regime is all but useless in an emergency situation. Many are wondering just how he would react in the aftermath of another terrorist attack when he appears so befuddled by a so-called environmental catastrophe.  The answer, I am afraid, does not reinforce one’s faith in the continued viability of America as a single 50 state country. 

Yes, it IS terrible to contemplate – but there it is.

J. D. Longstreet

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America’s Golden Age of Ignorance

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on June 11, 2010

America’s Golden Age of Ignorance

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


One can only conclude that America finds herself in the current mess as a direct result of ignorance. “Ignorance of what,” you ask?  I must answer, “Ignorance of practically everything.”

I concluded, early on, the election of Obama was a direct result of ignorance.  Ignorance of just how politics works in America as a result of no education, period. Ignorance as a direct result of education received in the government schools, and just plain old willful ignorance – choosing to be ignorant of politics in America, by electing not to involve oneself in the distasteful, and sometimes less than sanitary job of maintaining America’s freedom.

Ignorance of America’s colorful political history, and that of the world, is much to blame for the Obama Regime’s continued acceptance by vast numbers of Americans.  But, I am happy to report that number is growing ever smaller as each day passes.

Ignorance of history, as well as of current events, among the populace of any country, can lead to consequences that are truly awful.  Take the election of America’s first socialist government, for instance.  The election of 2006 turned our national legislature into a socialist machine bent on creating an even stronger central government with all the power it could grasp.  Then, in 2008, the capstone of socialist victory in American politics was the election of Barack Hussein Obama.  He promised fundamental change in America.  The politically savvy in America understood he meant to lead America into out and out socialism.  And he did.

Even today, the average democrat voter will deny the existence of a socialist government in America today.  They simply do not recognize it.  I am convinced that ignorance stems from the fact that they were not taught the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the genius of America’s founders, and the love of a free constitutional republic that led their ancestors to lay down their lives to protect and preserve the freedom granted by that constitution. That is ignorance.

Back in the day, before teacher’s unions, American students were taught the fundamental concepts of American democracy and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. We learned, as students, that life in America is a priviledge. We learned that freedom is not free, it is preserved by Americans who know its value, even if it means laying down their lives in its defense..

Students also leaned the immeasurable value of The Founding  Documents, the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution,  and the all important Bill of Rights.  They learned that The Founders said what they meant and meant what they said when writing the constiturtionStudents also learned that the US Constitution is a document for the ages.  It is not a living breathing document subject to change at the whim of those citizens who live under its protection.

No longer.  Today we graduate students wo cannot read their diplomas, who cannot find Canada and Medxico on a map, and have no idea what the Constitution or the Bill of Rights are!  They have no clue that the  Bill of Rights limits the role of government in the daily lives of Americans.  If they did, there would be riots in the streets all over America today.

These are the Americans who placed the so-called democrats in charge of America’s government.  I say “so-called” because those of us who have dabbled in politics, all our adult lives, understand that those in charge of the US government today are not democrats as they would have you believe. They are socialists, Marxists, communists, and progressives. 

So – how WERE they elected? They were elected by people who genuinely thought they were voting for democrats, and by people who don’t care what kind of government we have so long as their place on the government dole is protected and their “hand outs” continue to arrive every month, and by those who were interested only in the power that would accrue to them if socialists controled the US government.   The latter could not have accomplished this feat without the ignorance of the former, whose votes they knew they could count on.

Ignorance is a dangerous, dangerous, thing.  WE here in America, are only just re-learning this lesson. 

This is truly the Golden Era of Ignorance in America. If we survive the damage it has done, we must begin all over again teaching our children what it means to be an American under the protection of the original US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

If we cannot repair the current public education system in America then we must trash it and build a new one in which the federal government and federal dollars have no part – and — unionizing teachers is illegal.

We Americans must purge our Congress and the White House of socialist, Marxists, communists, and progressives at the ballot box and reclaim our country.   If we do not — America will have earned its place on the dust heap of history.

J. D. Longstreet

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