Hurricane Alley… by J. D. Longstreet

America Is Now a Socialist Nation.

Posted in Obama, Socialism, Socialist States of America, Socialized medicine by J. D. Longstreet on December 1, 2009

America Is Now a Socialist Nation.

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


“Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.” (Taken from the website the Democratic Socialists of America at: )

Months ago, as I began to write about the dangers of socialism to America, (and how the Democratic Party has become a sort of Socialist/Democratic party) I was stunned when they, the democrats, did not refute it. I had expected democrats to deny any connection to socialism.  But they didn’t. 

It was then that it struck me… they don’t deny it because they can’t.  They have become socialist! They have embraced socialism. Why, then, I asked myself, don’t they change the name of their parry to accurately reflect whom, exactly, they are.  We suggest: “The Socialist Democrat Party of America.”  There is no reason to attempt to conceal the true alignment of the so-called Democratic Party in America with the Socialist Movement any longer. They have totally embraced socialism — with gusto!


As a soldier in the US military I was taught to fight socialism. We trained to meet the socialists on the field of battle. There was no question that Americanism and socialism could not exist on the same globe without conflict, and, we rightly assumed, armed conflict.  Is that where America is headed today — armed conflict between American citizens over whether America will remain a socialist country or revert back to its proper role as a democratic representative republic under the authority of the US Constitution? 

Make no mistake about it: a coup de’tat has taken place in America.  The socialists have taken over the government of the country. While the people remain democratic, the government is socialist — from the White House to the Congress.

Here is a quote from WHERE WE STAND — The Political Perspective of the
Democratic Socialists of America:

“In the United States, we must fight for a humane public policies that will provide quality health care, education, and job training and that redirect public investment from the military to much-neglected urban housing and infrastructure. Such policies require the support of a majoritarian coalition of trade unionists, people of color, feminists, gays and lesbians and all other peoples committed to democratic change. Our greatest contribution as American socialists to global social justice is to build that coalition, which is key to transforming the power relations of global capitalism.”

We encourage you to go to their site and read the entire article.  You’ll find it HERE.

Never doubt this, dear reader, socialism leads, inevitably, to communism.  Socialism is the precursor for communism. Socialism is the “forerunner,” so to speak, for the advent of communism into a nation’s government.  That “forerunner” is now in place in both the White House and in the Congress of the United States of America.

The Communist Manifesto is also a socialist manifesto. You need only read Frederick Engels’ preface to the 1888 edition of the Communist Manifesto, which declares that the Communist Manifesto “is undoubtedly the most widespread, the most international production of all Socialist literature, the common platform acknowledged by millions of working men from Siberia to California.” SOURCE

What of socialism and Christianity?  The answer is they cannot co-exist.

Socialism means economic control of the people by government. In a socialist country, the state is all-powerful. Such an all-powerful state views itself — and not God — as the ultimate authority. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Communist Manifesto calls for abolishing family, marriage, countries, and religion as well as private property. Under the socialist system the state determines what is right and wrong — without any competing loyalties to God, family, or country. SOURCE

So, how does socialism gain total control over the citizens of America?  Universal Healthcare – Socialized Medicine – ObamaCare, no matter what you call it, it means one thing:  Total control of the lives of American citizens!  And it is on the verge of becoming the law of the land.

The Congress has roughly three weeks of actual time “in session” before the end of the year.  The US Senate is going to bust it’s seams during those few days to ram Socialized Medicine through the Senate and down the throats of their fellow Americans.

We have to stop them.  If we have any desire, at all, to preserve America, to preserve the freedoms granted us by the constitution, Socialized Medicine must be stopped and stopped cold.   Otherwise America, as a free nation, is lost.

J. D. Longstreet

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Massive Tax Hikes and New Taxes On The Way, America!

Posted in Socialism, Socialist States of America, Socialized medicine by J. D. Longstreet on November 30, 2009

Massive Tax Hikes & New Taxes On The Way, America!

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Oh, please tell me you did not buy the lies out of Washington that the government is going to tax the rich to pay for Socialized Medicine otherwise known as ObamaCare? Surely you didn’t fall for that!

Heck, I seriously doubt there are enough rich people in the US to make a dent in what that Communist program called ObamaCare is going to cost the citizens of the US.

If I were among the rich of this country, I’d be staying up nights transferring my assets off shore and getting myself, my family, my business, and, anything the government could tax, out of their reach. What the current government of the US is doing to the wealthy Americans is flat out wrong. It is thievery by another name… taxes.

Americans are so ignorant of their history that it is inexcusable — no worse! It is embarrassing! . Americans have forgotten this country fought a war for independence over, what else, TAXES! This country was founded as a result of a TAX REVOLT! What the current federal government is doing to the citizens of the US makes King George look like a shirker!

I hope those of you who voted for Obama are happy. You wanted change. Well, you got it. From a democracy to a socialist nation in less than a year. Hope? What hope? We are screwed for at least three more years. The bunch of clowns and fruitcakes running the Congress are pathetic socialists/communists/democrats lusting after power and nothing else.

Guess what they are about to do? No I don’t mean Amnesty for the Illegal Aliens living among us… although that is certainly coming. I mean the load of taxes they are about to slap on the middle class of this country.

Do you know what a VAT tax is? Huh? It is a Value added Tax. Sometimes referred to as a “sales tax”.

In an Article entitled: “Damn the Deficit: Full Speed Ahead on Health Care”, Michael Barone said the following:

“The instrument they may have in mind is the value added tax, which operates as an invisible sales tax on goods and services. Back in May, Budget Director Peter Orszag’s spokesman mentioned the VAT as a “credible idea” that he did not want to rule out. In June, House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel suggested a VAT as “a point of discussion.”

In September, John Podesta, head of the Obama transition team, spoke of how a VAT would “create a balance” with other economies, and White House adviser Paul Volcker cited a carbon tax and a VAT as ways to raise lots of revenue. In October, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “Somewhere along the way, a value-added tax plays into this.” ” You may read the entire article at: SOURCE

A Value Added Tax is a tax on the estimated market value added to a product or material at each stage of its manufacture or distribution, ultimately passed on to the consumer. Please read that last phrase again. “Passed on to the consumer.” Socialists/communists/progressives/democrats do no understand that businesses do not pay taxes. The government actually THINKS THEY DO! Those of us who have actually run businesses understand that a business passes the cost of taxes along to his customers in higher prices for the goods and/or services his business produces or offers.

The attraction of a VAT tax to our government is twofold. One: It will raise a lot of money for them to squander. Two: it is a hidden tax — hidden from you, the consumer, the sucker. Prices on goods and services will sky rocket while, at the same time, sales of those products will fall through the floor. Soon afterwards business will begin shuttering plants and offices and the unemployment figures will spike upwards even more than then the real figures, I am convinced the government is not releasing. (10.2%? Come on, now. Figure closer to 13% maybe even higher.)

Taxes, taxes, and even more taxes are coming to the American middle class. If the ObamaCare bill passes, you are not going to believe how much that “free” healthcare is going to cost you! Some of us, like myself, with chronic diseases will pay for it with our lives.

We can stop some of the coming taxes by stopping ObamaCare in the Senate in the next few days.

Contact your Senators and your Representative, ASAP, and tell them, in no uncertain terms, that you want them to vote against ObamaCare and any, and all, new taxes. We have to cut off the money and starve this government into submission.

And be prepared, America. Our economic situation is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. When inflation sets in, sometime around mid-year 2010, your money and mine with be worth a whole lot less than it is today.

But, hey! America wanted “CHANGE!” Well, what do you think of the change now???

J. D. Longstreet


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A Very Different Generation … By Alan Caruba

A Very Different Generation

By Alan Caruba


They are called “Millennials” and, with the election of Barack Obama, have been dubbed “Generation O.” Born from 1980 to 2000, they are as different from their parents as previous generations were different from theirs.


It is common that older generations frequently look at the new one as creatures from another planet. Every new generation develops its own slang, has its own cultural heroes, and most importantly has been imprinted by the events of their early years as well as the kind of care they received from their parents. 


What distinguishes the Millennials is the way, not just events, but technology has transformed how they interact with each other and the world. Not only are they computer literate, but the Internet has allowed them to have friends from around the world who are available at the touch of a keystroke.


Events, of course, are important. My generation grew up during and after World War II. It was a time of enormous economic growth, of the U.S. ascendancy to being a superpower among nations. We lived through the Korean conflict that followed WWII in the 1950s, the birth of rock’n roll and, by the time the 1960s arrived, and I was beginning my 20s the Civil Rights movement erupted.


Assassinations marked that decade and the beginning of a long war in Vietnam that ended the lives of more than 50,000 young men born barely a generation after my own. Together we witnessed the first and only resignation of a President as the result of a criminal enterprise in the White House.


The Millennials had not yet been born. For them, the Soviet Union with its missiles pointed at American cities would be ancient history by the time they turned ten years of age. Red China would be a nation with which we did an enormous amount of trade. Europe would become the European Union. The Middle East would be a place that exported oil and terrorism


For the Millennials, the great trial their generation would face would be terrorism. For them and older generations, September 11, 2001 would change the entire dynamic of world affairs. The wars they know are the two invasions of Iraq; the latter of which has become their Vietnam. Two other events imprinted themselves, the bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City and the murders at Columbine High School.


While growing up, the Millennials led a busy, structured life in the 90s and this first decade of a new century. Their parents were devoted to them and the feeling was returned. They were told they were smart and to be inclusive and tolerant of all races, religions and sexual orientations. They were accustomed to being team players and they took being connected 24/7 for granted via cell phones and the Internet. This was a generation that was thoroughly nurtured.


It was and is a generation that was deep-fried in every environmental notion, no matter that its science was lacking or deliberately false. Surrounded by the benefits of technology, they have been told that much of it threatens the future of the planet.


In a nation where two percent of the population feeds the rest of us with plenty left over for export, they have no real connection with the Earth they worship, knowing nothing about how crops are grown or livestock is maintained and brought to the marketplace. Instead, they worry about “endangered” species and are fearful of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, all of which help generate an abundant food supply. Foolishly they worry that the poles are melting and the seas are rapidly rising, neither of which is happening.


As their parents came of age in the Reagan era of the 1980s, they grew up during the feckless years of the Clinton administration, questioning their parents about the sexual dalliance of the President while deluged with cultural messages that casual sex called “hooking up” was acceptable.


When George W. Bush became President, they would witness, not only 9/11, but the governmental debacle in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the torment of a strange “war against terror” being waged in Iraq and Afghanistan. At home, there was no terror, but few would or could make any connection between those active conflicts and the steady degrading of the threat al Qaeda represents.


It is, therefore, no surprise that the Millennials were entranced by the message of “change” offered by President-elect Obama, excited by the prospect of electing the first Afro-American President, and expecting, as my New Orleans friends like to say, to let the good times roll on.


There is, therefore, considerable irony that the Millennials are a generation looking at the same disintegrating economy their great-grandparents lived through in the 1930s and 40s, until a world war provided full employment and the post-war years were an explosion of innovation and growth.


It is presumed that the lessons of the past have been learned and monetary institutions will address the current problems, but underwriting the entire economy is public trust and confidence. If that disappears, so does the economy.


Slowly, the Millennials are discovering that the politicians their parents sent to Congress were so profligate, so stupid, and so intent on their own acquisition of wealth and power that they created the current financial crisis.


And now they are learning that those same people are returning to power! The President-elect is surrounding himself by the Clintonians who failed to comprehend the changing global dynamics, focusing instead on Green fairytales of “energy independence”, “global warming”, and the ill-founded belief that global institutions like the United Nations would or could solve international conflicts.


The Millennials, now in their twenties and thirties, are saddled with debt, watching jobs disappear, and so utterly devoid of any knowledge of their nation’s history that they know the names of the judges of American Idol, but cannot name the three branches of the American government, nor grasp that real enemies do exist and must be defeated if America is to endure. (The exception, of course, are those serving in our military.)


Their grandparents, the “Boomers”, are beginning to retire and will add to those who benefit from the many “entitlement” programs that have been enacted since the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman and succeeding presidents. Their parent’s primary asset, their homes, are losing value. A university education now leaves them emerging into the workplace with debt.


The “change” that will be thrust upon them is a cornucopia of “sacrifices” they will be required to accept in the name of environmentalism and globalism. Sufficient energy will become scarce within a decade and a government that is rapidly socializing banks, investment and insurance firms, may be forced to let a major industry, the Detroit auto manufacturers, go bankrupt before it can be reformed.


Norman Thomas, a former U.S. Socialist Party candidate for President in the 1940s, predicted that, “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”


That day has arrived. Barack Obama is its standard-bearer.


Alan Caruba writes a daily blog at Every week, he posts a column on the website of The National Anxiety Center,


© Alan Caruba, December 2008






The Curse of Socialized Medicine and the loss of Freedom in America

Posted in Healthcare, Socialism, Socialized medicine, Taxes by J. D. Longstreet on December 14, 2008

For today’s commentary entitled:

The Curse of Socialized Medicine and the loss of Freedom in America

Please go to:


J. D. Longstreet

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Socialized Medicine In The US Could Cost Me My Life!

Posted in Socialism, Socialized medicine, United States of America by J. D. Longstreet on December 8, 2008

For our latest article on Socialized Medicine in America please go to:




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Obama And The American Socialized Healthcare System.

Posted in America, Central Planning, Democrat, Liberal, Obama, Political, Progressive, Socialism, Socialized medicine, Taxes by J. D. Longstreet on November 26, 2008

Obama And The American Socialized Healthcare System.

By J. D. Longstreet

The MsM is telling us that Obama fully intends to push for socialized medicine early in his first year as President.  Why not? Our financial institutions have already been socialized (nationalized, whichever you prefer).  Our auto Industry looks, for all the world, as if they are ready to become nationalized, as well. Now healthcare, which accounts for one-seventh of the US economy, is about to be the next huge segment of the American economy to be taken over by the government.   How can anyone, observing the American slide into socialism, not be concerned and even outraged at what our government is doing to the democratic representative republic given us by our Founding Fathers?


The soon to be proposed national healthcare program will most likely be patterned after the Canadian nationalized healthcare system.  So how does the Canadian healthcare system stack up against US healthcare these days, anyway? Where better to get a comparison than from a declared liberal site.  So we dropped by the site  “Classically Liberal” at:


We found some interesting stuff.  We recommend you visit the site and read it in its entirety.


Socialized medicine is not about our healthcare as Americans.  It’s about power over the American citizen and control over every facet of our life by the government of the US.


Our every move will be monitored, and we will be directed, by the government, in every facet of our lives. 


Weigh too much?  Lose weight… or the government won’t pay for your medical bills.


 Drive too fast?  Slow down or the government won’t pay for your medical bills if you’re in an accident.


Smoke? The government won’t pay for your medical bills, period.


 Have more than (two) kids?  Your medical bills will not be paid if you exceed the allowable limit on babies. 


Pregnant with a third child and the government insists that you have an abortion, but you really want this third child? Well, either have an abortion, or that third child will have no medical coverage and the cost of the pregnancy, and delivery, will not be covered, either. 


Didn’t finish High School?  Your medical bills will not be covered if you do not get a High School Diploma. 


Take the wrong courses in college?  Well, if you didn’t check before you signed up for a course, and you signed-up for a course the government thinks is uncalled for, or that you do not need for your chosen occupation… then your medical bills will not be picked up by the National Healthcare.  


Choose the wrong career, and you are on your own!  No medical help from the government.


Get the picture?  Almost total control.  And you, and I, will have given that power to the government.


What about the cost?  You sure you want to know? Well let me establish first… there is no such thing as free healthcare. Somebody is going to pay.  Who pays?  You and I will pay… in taxes.  There is no free lunch!  There never has been!  If you want it… you must be prepared to pay for it… and if you think healthcare is expensive now… just wait ‘til it’s free!


So, next time you hear someone calling for National Healthcare, remind them of all the freedom they will give up for that cradle to the grave care.


The founders of this country wanted us to live free… healthy, if we can manage it, but free, in any event.  Today, it seems we are prepared to give our freedom up for a form of modern day Marxism. Socialized Medicine.


J. D. Longstreet



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America’s Group Hug About To End

America’s Group Hug About to End

BY J. D. Longstreet

As I watch, read, and listen to the MsM report the news of Obama’s selection of those people he wants to serve in his administration, it occurred to me that the change he had promised was simply a change… back to the Clinton Administration. 


Remember how it is when you begin watching a TV show that is a rerun, but you are not aware of it in the opening moments?  As the characters begin to flash onto the screen and the plot becomes more and more familiar it slowly dawns on you that you have seen this show before.  As I watch Obama gather his merry band together, that is exactly the feeling I get.  I have seen this show before.  Eight years ago.  So… it IS “Change BACK”!


Well, what about HOPE?  Remember… Bill Clinton was “The Man From HOPE!”


Look, the dems are nothing if they are not persistent.  They don’t seem to have had a NEW idea in decades.  They are still running elections with the same promises and pledges and even the same phraseology in their speeches that FDR used in his. So it should not be surprising that the Obama Administration looks so very much like the Clinton Administration because, for all intents and purposes, it IS the same.  All Democratic Party Presidential Administrations are the same. 


As soon as Americans stop slapping themselves on the back and congratulating themselves for making history, and overcoming “White Guilt”, and ending racism, and all that baloney, it will dawn on them that they have been had… again.


Soon, it will become clear that Americans, well, SOME Americans, are expecting entirely too much of Obama. Too much was promised and too little will be delivered.


Lowering expectations is the order of the day on the democratic side of the aisle.  Very serious democrats, in and out of the Mainstream Media, and in and out of the Democratic Party apparatus, are telling us to not expect so much from Obama.  Of course, that is exactly the opposite of what they were telling us just a few weeks ago.  Way back then they were promising miracles, hinting that Obama could heal the sick, make the lame to walk, the blind to see, the mute to speak, and there was a better than 50/50 chance that Obama could walk all the way across the Potomac… on his bare feet!  And yet, today, we are told that we should lower our expectations. This is all a bit much.  But this is what you get when the candidate is a blank slate upon which the voters can write their own expectations, their own desires, and, yes, their own fantasies. 


That American group hug, we mentioned at the beginning of this article, is slowly breaking apart as Americans begin to look up and cast their eyes in the direction of Obama’s selectees for his cabinet.  There’s some anxiety about its reflection of the Clinton Administration.  Then, too, the confirmation that among Obama’s foreign policy plans is one to lean on Israel to retreat back to it’s borders as they were before they were attacked by their Arab neighbors in 1967 and had to fight for their very existence.  In the war that ensued, Israel recaptured the old city of Jerusalem thereby reuniting it.  Now, apparently, the US is going to insist Israel turn it back over to the people who call themselves Palestinians. This has caused a stir in Israel and there is now some strain between Jews in Israel and those Jews in America who supported the Obama campaign.  They are NOT a happy bunch, at the moment. Neither are the Evangelical Christians in America and around the world.  But, then, Evangelical Christians did not support Obama and won’t.


And there is more, much, more to come. 


Too much is being expected of Obama by the Germans, the Iraqis, the Afghanis, the Georgians, most of eastern Europe, and all of Africa.  Here at home, in America, too much is being expected of Obama by the African-Americans, the White Americans, the Spanish-Americans, the Gay Americans, the unborn Americans, the poor Americans, the sick Americans, the old Americans, the young Americans, even those busy breaking into America across our wide open southern border in hopes of change with Obama.


Disappointment comes first.  Then comes dissatisfaction. Then comes disaster. After all, Obama is but a man. How he handles these three “D” words will define him for history.


Unlike George Bush, or any Republican President, Obama will have the added luxury of a Mainstream Media to justify his mistakes, his shortcomings, his disgraces, etc, to the nation and the world. After all, he is THEIR man and they will not allow him to fail. 


Clear thinking Americans, both republican and democrats, know whom America elected and they are worried.  They have reason to worry. America is as vulnerable as it was before World War Two… and every bit as naive.  In a country like America, vulnerability and naiveté can bring on disaster.  Anything can happen. Like a blind man negotiating a minefield, America must tread softly, and carefully, over the next few years.  Inexperienced leadership was not what the country needed, but that is what we have. Americans are now trusting in blind luck to get us through.


Me?  I pray a lot.


J. D. Longstreet 



Controlling A Nations Economy Means Controlling That Nation’s People.

Controlling A Nations Economy Means Controlling That Nation’s People.


The title to this article was taken from one of Ronald Reagan’s speeches. It is as true as truth gets. Ronald Reagan, the icon of the conservative movement in America, understood the fundamental truth of the Founding Fathers of America.


 The Founding Fathers of America understood that a strong central government would never work in a republican form of government, the form of government they gave the American people.  They knew that.  They had just declared the independence of Americans from the  “strong central government” of King George of Great Britain. They understood that for Americans to thrive and become a great nation of great people the government should provide one thing… freedom.  They knew the American government should provide security from any and all enemies that presented a threat to the freedom of the American people so the American people could make the seeds of liberty grow and flourish. 


Meeting in Philadelphia in 1776 they labored to create a constitution, the bedrock foundation of this nation, dedicated to the idea that the people would control their own destiny, not the government, that the people would make or break this experiment in democracy, not the government, that the labors of the people, known as business, would be free to create and manufacture, to sell, and to create wealth and keep that wealth or distribute it as they chose, not the government.


The constitution is as simple a governing document as has ever been written. It was drawn up to protect the people of this country from its government.  Our Founding Fathers had just turned their backs on government which had  insinuated itself into the lives and businesses of its colonists to the point that those colonists rebelled and said: “No more!”  With the constitution, the Founding Fathers put in writing the limits of the new American government.


For the past 232 years the constitution has been a fly in the ointment to the political left everywhere on earth.  When a people yearning to breath free, anywhere on the globe, look for a way, for a pattern, for directions on how to set up a non-repressive government, they turn to the US Constitution.  There must be a reason.  There is.  Because it works! 


Today, however, Americans themselves are ready to toss the constitution overboard and cling to a government, drunk on power and ready to do exactly the same thing King George did , insinuate itself into every aspect of the American people’s life. So bent on desecration of the constitution are they, that 52 % of the American voters cast their ballots for a man who has declared his allegiance to creating a strong central government, which will take away the freedoms, the liberty,  our forefathers fought, bled, and died to give us.  They have declared their overwhelming willingness to toss the democratic form of government in favor of a socialist form of government, which will guarantee cradle to the grave security.  They voted “yes” to exchanging liberty for security. They voted to turn their backs on all the heroes of American history to follow in the footsteps of the Pied Piper of Socialism the now President-Elect of the United States of America.


Again, let’s turn to Ronald Reagan for clarity.  In 1964 Reagan said the following:


“It’s time we asked ourselves if we still know the freedoms intended for us by the Founding Fathers. James Madison said, “We base all our experiments on the capacity of mankind for self government.”

This idea? That government was beholden to the people, that it had no other source of power is still the newest, most unique idea in all the long history of man’s relation to man. This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. “

Reagan went on to say: “The Founding Fathers knew a government can’t control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. So we have come to a time for choosing.

…….. Regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would sacrifice freedom for security have embarked on this downward path. Plutarch warned, “The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits.”

“Public servants say, always with the best of intentions, “What greater service we could render if only we had a little more money and a little more power.” But the truth is that outside of its legitimate function, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector.”

On taxation, Reagan said this: “We need true tax reform that will at least make a start toward restoring for our children the American Dream that wealth is denied to no one, that each individual has the right to fly as high as his strength and ability will take him…. But we cannot have such reform while our tax policy is engineered by people who view the tax as a means of achieving changes in our social structure….”

Reagan asked these essential questions: Will you resist the temptation to get a government handout for your community? Realize that the doctor’s fight against socialized medicine is your fight. We can’t socialize the doctors without socializing the patients. Recognize that government invasion of public power is eventually an assault upon your own business. If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he’ll eat you last.”

About financial security, Reagan had this to say: “There can be no security anywhere in the free world if there is no fiscal and economic stability within the United States. Those who ask us to trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state are architects of a policy of accommodation.”

Reagan wound up this jewel of a speech by saying the following: “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.”

As I view the America the voters of this nation created on November fourth, I am inclined to say that, indeed, we have, just as Reagan warned, sentenced our children to a thousand years of darkness.

J. D. Longstreet

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The Pivot Point in American History.

By J. D. Longstreet


When you cut through all the smoke and mirrors and hot air this election is about whether the US will continue to exist as a proud, free, nation, or drop into socialist slavery. When historians look back on this day, they will say it was the day, the point in history, which changed America.  Will America remain free, or will America retreat and surrender to the forces of socialism?  The choice is ours, America. 


When the great warrior leader of the Israelites, Joshua, had control handed to him upon Moses’ death, the tribes were bickering among themselves as they approached the very doorstep of the Promised Land.  Finally, Joshua had had enough!  He called them together and challenged them:  “Choose you, this day, whom you will serve!  As for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord!”


And so it is that today, Americans are called to choose whom they will serve.  We will choose to commission certain, from among us, to have power over us. This is an awesome thing.  It is voluntary submission. But, it is how a representative republic operates. We must be certain that those we elect are not shallow, empty suits, interested in power for power’s sake.  That will defeat the purpose of our republic.  It will also place this republic in immense danger.


Our enemies gather today… and watch.   They pray for Americans to turn the power of this government over to those who will appease them.   Their intention is to conquer the US and they will be happy if the electorate of the US makes it much easier for them to accomplish that mission by electing weak spined, naïve, people to fill the seats of power in our government.


If we choose today to turn this government over to those who cannot, for whatever reason, understand this nation is at war for it’s life, then there will be a heavy price to pay.  Just as 9-11, and the two wars which followed, in my opinion, was the price we paid for electing the last democratic administration, we can expect an even heavier price for returning that element to power in the government of the US.


As I cast my ballot one week ago today, I thought of my family, of my wife, of my children and my grandchildren.  I was reminded that I have a responsibility to ensure, as far as it is within my power, that they have a guaranteed future as a free people. I could not do that by voting for the Democratic Party.  To vote for the freedom and security of my family I had no choice but to vote for the Republican candidates.


You see, I believe Americans have forgotten that for a free nation, national security comes first, above all things. Without the security of our nation, nothing else is possible. Without national security even that which has already been accomplished is in danger.  An unsecure nation can only exist at the mercy of it’s enemies. And that mercy, once extended, and accepted, becomes the chain and the shackles that enslave entire nations.    


I believe it was the Apostle Paul who once said:  “It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of God!”  He was, of course, correct.  I am convinced this nation was created, by God, as a beacon for the people of this world.  As such we Americans are answerable to God for our actions as a nation. We are also told, by the scriptures, that God punishes those he loves.   When we act as a God fearing nation, this nation does well.  When we fail, we pay the price.  When we make the right decisions we prosper.  When we make the wrong decisions we suffer.


We stand at the precipice of a decision today.  Two choices are presented for us from which to choose. As agents of free will WE must make that decision. Paraphrasing the words of the ancient Israelite warrior prophet Joshua, “America, choose you, this day, whom you will serve”!  Choose wisely, America, choose wisely.


J. D. Longstreet

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After America… Who Will Lead The World?

By J. D. Longstreet


November 4th, 2008, will likely go down in the history books as the day America gave up her world leadership role and became another “has been” nation.


About two years ago when I first began to look seriously at this fellow named Obama, I recognized his overt socialism immediately.  It wasn’t difficult.  It was right there for everyone to see… if one wished to see it.  But it now seems that millions of Americans are perfectly fine with assisting in the suicide of America by accepting his message of socialism, the destroyer of nations.


I’m an old codger, in my late sixties, and I have seen socialism as an enemy of the United States and what, back in my day, we called Americanism. Americanism is simply defined as democratic capitalism.


When I was in the US military we were taught to fight socialism. We trained to meet the socialists on the field of battle. There was no question that Americanism and socialism could not exist on the same globe without conflict, and, we rightly assumed, armed conflict.


Months ago, as I began to write about the dangers of socialism to America, (and how the Democratic Party has become a sort of Socialist/Democratic party) I was stunned when they, the democrats, did not refute it. I had expected democrats to deny any connection to socialism.  But they didn’t.  It was then that it struck me… they don’t deny it because they can’t.  They have become socialist! They have embraced socialism.


Back in 1935, or so, FDR, a democrat, introduced Socialism to America with his New Deal. America has never been able to extricate itself from the New Deal.  It is still with us today.


As hard as it is to fathom, there are millions of Americans today educated in America’s public schools who have no idea what socialism is.  As the democrat party controls our public school system, the courses taught are favorable to socialism. American “scholars” are not taught that socialism is a cancer, which will eat away the core of a capitalist nation by simply removing any desire of the citizens to advance their station in life.  It squashes all ambition to live better, to make more money, to manufacture better goods, to offer better services, to do/say/produce anything in which one could exhibit pride either in themselves or their country. 


How can this be?  Well, socialism demands the end of private enterprise. Under socialism there would be no small businesses, no Mom and Pop stores, no entrepreneurs. Socialism demands the redistribution of wealth.  That means taking the money you earned and giving it to those who did not earn it. Socialism demands that all wealth in a nation, and that includes yours, will be controlled by the government. In other words, you will own nothing — not even your own money.  The government owns everything and everyone is given only what it takes for that person to survive.  Socialism celebrates the lack of an upper class and a lower class.  Under socialism there is only one class.  And in THAT class all people suffer equally.


It would seem that America has made the decision to turn it’s back on everything good the forbearers made and sacrificed to give us… an America, unique in all the world and in all the world’s history.  What, then, is America about to do?  America is about to join the mediocrity of the remainder of the world.   No longer desirous of the leadership role, no longer willing to do the heavy lifting required by freedom, America has decided to join the pack of “has been” nations now embarrassed by their past glory years.


If I am right, and I am convinced that I am, tomorrow will begin the” Post-America” period in world history. Which leads to the burning question, at least for me.  That question is:  after America, who will lead the world?    


J. D. Longstreet




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