Hurricane Alley… by J. D. Longstreet

The Constitutional Crisis in America’s Near Future

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 30, 2010

The Constitutional Crisis in America’s Near Future

President Barack H. Obama — or – President Barry Soetoro?

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I really hate to direct your attention to yet another crisis in America, but we have one headed our way.  Yes, it is down the road aways – but it is a monster and will very likely set the USA down amidst the biggest constitutional crisis this nation has ever seen.  It has the potential of becoming our undoing as a nation.  And it is out there — just staring us in the face.


I know you have heard it all before, but sooner or later we, as a nation, are going to have to deal with it. Yes, I am writing about the lingering question of whether or not the man formerly known as Barry Soetoro, now known as Barack Obama, is legally qualified to hold the office of President of the United States.  And who the hell is he, anyway?  WHERE did he come from?  WHAT has he done to America?


“He has, inside of a year, destroyed our alliances, abandoned our allies, nationalized banks, insurance companies, and the automotive business, and rammed communist healthcare down our collective throats. He has bankrupted this country and stolen the wealth of our nation and our children. He has embraced Islamic anti-Semitism, sanctioned the Islamic bomb of the Iranian mullahcracy, handed Russia Eastern Europe on a plate, thrown away our nuclear advantage, and despised us for our superiority. And then contemptuously told us to thank him and kiss his Marxist ass. “ — Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs  (SOURCE).



But WHO IS HE? Barry Soetoro?  Did the President legally change his name from Soetoro to Obama?  Well, we know that when Barack/Barry and his mother lived in Indonesia, with Oil executive father, Lolo, he went by the name Barry Soetoro.

So, where was Soetoro actually born?  According to an article at “ Indonesia Matters”  “Barrak Hussein Obama II was born to a white American Ann Dunham and Kenyan Barrak Hussein Obama Senior, in Nyang’oma Kogelo now in Kenya.”  You’ll find the entire article HERE.


From the same article there is this:  “In his tellingly-titled Memoir, Dreams from My Father, Obama describes his Indonesian interlude as “one long adventure, the bounty of a young boy’s life”. But he also recalls being troubled by the poverty around him: “the empty look on the faces of farmers the year the rains never came,” and the desperation of the disabled beggars who came to the family’s door.

“The world was violent, I was learning, unpredictable and often cruel,” he writes. Obama and his mother thus we were very well acquainted with the harsh realities of indigenous Indonesians.

Fermina Katarina Sinaga, recalled yojhng Obama in her class: in the common task of class to write an essay titled “My dream: What I want to be in the future.” Obama “wrote ‘I want to be a president,’ ” she said. During a later writing assignment on family, he wrote, “My father is my idol.”  You will find the entire article HERE. 

Above, I referred to a constitutional crisis in America’s future.  Here’s what I mean:  Just suppose the courts rule that Obama/Soetoro is NOT legally qualified to be President of the United States?  What is to be done about all the bills he has signed into law? What is to be done about all the Executive Orders he has issued over his signature?  What about all the military commands, appointments, promotions, etc, he has made?  What about all the negotiations associated with treaties, international agreements, etc, Obama/Soetoro has been involved in as the US President?  Are they not, at the least, null and void, and, at the worst – illegal?

Do you begin to sense the monumental “MESS” the country will find itself?

And what about the Vice-Presidency?  How would a court finding that Obama/Soetoro was not legally qualified to be President affect the Vice-Presidency?  Should Obama/Soetoro be forced to step down, would the court order Vice-President Biden to step down as well? If so, will Nancy Pelosi move into the Oval Office as President of the US?  Talk about a nightmare!

There are some who believe that officials within the current government already KNOW Obama/Soetoro is NOT the legal President of the US and yet they are keeping quiet and not coming forward with the evidence. 

J. B. Williams has written an article that will shake you to your core.  In the article he states his opinion that THAT is exactly what is happening in our national government.  This is a “Must Read” article. The title of the article is:  “DC Knows that Obama is Ineligible for Office.”  You will find Mr. Williams’ article HERE.  We urge you to read it.

The next question is:  Who, if anyone, will go to jail?  Even more importantly – what do we do to ensure a candidate for President of the United States is properly “vetted” and his natural born citizenship confirmed well before he stands for election?

It may take an amendment to the US Constitution to guarantee this never comes up again.  Then so be it!  Let’s get her done!

J. D. Longstreet 

The Constitutional Crisis in America’s Near Future

President Barack H. Obama — or – President Barry Soetoro?

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


I really hate to direct your attention to yet another crisis in America, but we have one headed our way.  Yes, it is down the road aways – but it is a monster and will very likely set the USA down amidst the biggest constitutional crisis this nation has ever seen.  It has the potential of becoming our undoing as a nation.  And it is out there — just staring us in the face.


I know you have heard it all before, but sooner or later we, as a nation, are going to have to deal with it. Yes, I am writing about the lingering question of whether or not the man formerly known as Barry Soetoro, now known as Barack Obama, is legally qualified to hold the office of President of the United States.  And who the hell is he, anyway?  WHERE did he come from?  WHAT has he done to America?


“He has, inside of a year, destroyed our alliances, abandoned our allies, nationalized banks, insurance companies, and the automotive business, and rammed communist healthcare down our collective throats. He has bankrupted this country and stolen the wealth of our nation and our children. He has embraced Islamic anti-Semitism, sanctioned the Islamic bomb of the Iranian mullahcracy, handed Russia Eastern Europe on a plate, thrown away our nuclear advantage, and despised us for our superiority. And then contemptuously told us to thank him and kiss his Marxist ass. “ — Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs  (SOURCE).



But WHO IS HE? Barry Soetoro?  Did the President legally change his name from Soetoro to Obama?  Well, we know that when Barack/Barry and his mother lived in Indonesia, with Oil executive father, Lolo, he went by the name Barry Soetoro.


So, where was Soetoro actually born?  According to an article at “ Indonesia Matters”  “Barrak Hussein Obama II was born to a white American Ann Dunham and Kenyan Barrak Hussein Obama Senior, in Nyang’oma Kogelo now in Kenya.”  You’ll find the entire article HERE.


From the same article there is this:  In his tellingly-titled Memoir, Dreams from My Father, Obama describes his Indonesian interlude as “one long adventure, the bounty of a young boy’s life”. But he also recalls being troubled by the poverty around him: “the empty look on the faces of farmers the year the rains never came,” and the desperation of the disabled beggars who came to the family’s door.

“The world was violent, I was learning, unpredictable and often cruel,” he writes. Obama and his mother thus we were very well acquainted with the harsh realities of indigenous Indonesians.

Fermina Katarina Sinaga, recalled yojhng Obama in her class: in the common task of class to write an essay titled “My dream: What I want to be in the future.” Obama “wrote ‘I want to be a president,’ ” she said. During a later writing assignment on family, he wrote, “My father is my idol.”  You will find the entire article HERE. 

Above, I referred to a constitutional crisis in America’s future.  Here’s what I mean:  Just suppose the courts rule that Obama/Soetoro is NOT legally qualified to be President of the United States?  What is to be done about all the bills he has signed into law? What is to be done about all the Executive Orders he has issued over his signature?  What about all the military commands, appointments, promotions, etc, he has made?  What about all the negotiations associated with treaties, international agreements, etc, Obama/Soetoro has been involved in as the US President?  Are they not, at the least, null and void, and, at the worst – illegal?

Do you begin to sense the monumental “MESS” the country will find itself?

And what about the Vice-Presidency?  How would a court finding that Obama/Soetoro was not legally qualified to be President affect the Vice-Presidency?  Should Obama/Soetoro be forced to step down, would the court order Vice-President Biden to step down as well? If so, will Nancy Pelosi move into the Oval Office as President of the US?  Talk about a nightmare!

There are some who believe that officials within the current government already KNOW Obama/Soetoro is NOT the legal President of the US and yet they are keeping quiet and not coming forward with the evidence. 

J. B. Williams has written an article that will shake you to your core.  In the article he states his opinion that THAT is exactly what is happening in our national government.  This is a “Must Read” article. The title of the article is:  “DC Knows that Obama is Ineligible for Office.”  You will find Mr. Williams’ article HERE.  We urge you to read it.

The next question is:  Who, if anyone, will go to jail?  Even more importantly – what do we do to ensure a candidate for President of the United States is properly “vetted” and his natural born citizenship confirmed well before he stands for election?

It may take an amendment to the US Constitution to guarantee this never comes up again.  Then so be it!  Let’s get her done!

J. D. Longstreet

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Arizona Leads The Way in Fight for States’ Rights

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 29, 2010

Arizona Leads The Way

Another Fight Over States’ Rights

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Arizona has plainly re-asserted itself as a sovereign state.  They have just reminded the US Government, and everyone else, that the US is made up of 50 sovereign republics with their own internal governments.


As the Obama regime readies itself to ram the New Amnesty Bill down America’s throats as they did the ObamaCare Bill, Arizona’s actions are an apt reminder that secession is hovering over the border states and you can bet it is being whispered about in the halls of various state legislatures all across America today.


Look, Obama is either an idiot, or a fool, if he believes the states are going to take what he is dishing out without a fight.  If he continues on his current course of belittling the legal citizens of that state there is going to be a huge backlash, not only in Arizona but also across the southern states, which are practically overrun with illegal aliens.  In other words, “it ain’t gonna be purrty.”


Look for the state of Texas to balk at this New Amnesty bill, as well.  Do not be surprised if Texas revives talk of secession.  As a matter of fact, it may have already begun. Texas State Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, will soon introduce immigration legislation comparable to a law recently enacted in Arizona, according to Berman’s aide. According to the report, Berman is planning to introduce the bill in the 82nd Legislative Session, which begins in January 2011. You may read the entire article HERE.


We warned, many months ago, that the Obama Regime and his socialist cohort in the West Wing and the Congress would make another attempt at passing an Amnesty Bill.  Well, here it comes.


This time they call it “The Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act.”  Just sort of rolls off your tongue doesn’t it?


Those of us who grew up fighting the socialist menace have heard these monstrous names for unsavory programs before – in the USSR.  It is an old trick.  Give it a name so long and so complicated that the reader or hearer’s eyes glaze over and they lose interest right away. The new name for this New Amnesty Bill was meant to do just that. 


In the past few days it is beginning to appear that the legal challenges to Arizona’s tough new anti-illegal immigration laws may, very well, stand up to the scrutiny of the courts.  So Obama is trying a new tactic:  guilt and embarrassment.


Just the other day, while in Iowa, Obama said:  “You can imagine if you are a Hispanic American in Arizona, your great grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state.” He went on to say: “Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you take your kid out for ice cream and you’re going to be harassed, that’s not the right way to go.”

US Attorney General Eric Holder has said the Justice Department may pursue legal action. “I’m very concerned about the wedge that [the new law] could drive between communities that law enforcement is supposed to serve and those of us in law enforcement.”

 Mr. Holder may want to rethink taking court action against Arizona.  He will open a Pandora’s box of trouble for both the democrats and the republicans. I don’t think either party wants a public fight over “states’ rights” at this point in the Obama Regime’s tenure in the White House, because believe me, the fight will most certainly become a fight over the sovereignty of the states currently forming the so-called UNITED States. 


I am STILL struck by the democrats drive to reward criminals for breaking US laws with a gift of citizenship in the very country the entered illegally.  It doesn’t even make good sense. You do not REWARD criminals for breaking the law! But THAT is exactly what Obama and his socialist coterie are hell-bent on doing.  It is a key component of their master plan to destroy the Cconstitutional republic of the United States and replace it with the oft referred to “socialist dung heap.”


There will be a reckoning. Do not think that ALL 50 states will go along with Obama’s socialist plans.  It simply isn’t going to happen. The states have just begun to push back.  From this point onward, there will be hell to pay if, and when, federal authorities begin throwing their weight around within sovereign states not embracing Obama’s socialism. 


The states along the US/Mexican/ Border are a powder keg with a lit fuse. They could explode at any time.  Obama’s blowing on the fuse only makes it burn brighter and faster resulting in an explosion much sooner than expected.


We have warned numerous times that if the federal government continued to refuse to enforce the laws concerning illegal immigration and continued to refuse to close, seal, and secure the US/Mexican border, then the citizens of the states, especially the border states would do it for them.


It has begun.  The genie is out of the bottle, as it were, and the current US “Socialist” Government is going to have a fight on it’s hands it obviously did not expect.


The fact that they did not expect Arizona’s actions speaks volumes about the lack of sensitivity of the Obama Regime to the wants and wishes, the likes and dislikes, of the American people.  It also tells us that, in their arrogance, they really don’t care.


J. D. Longstreet

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New Political Party Forming in North Carolina

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 23, 2010

New Political Party Forming in North Carolina

Guess Who Is Behind It

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet



In an article entitled: “Unions Now Starting Their Own Political Party,” Warner Todd Huston, at the Canada Free Press, says the following: “Apparently the Democrats in North Carolina aren’t sufficiently leftist enough for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). It appears that the SEIU, one of the largest and most powerful public employees unions in the nation, don’t have their hand deep enough in the taxpayer’s pockets so it is starting its own political party in the Tar Heel State, by passing the Democrats altogether.” You may read the entire article HERE.

SEIU’s Political party is called “North Carolina First.” It is, in our opinion, a thinly veiled attempt at payback for the three Democrat Congressmen from North Carolina who voted against ObamaCare — Heath Shuler, Larry Kissell, and my own Congressman, Mike McIntyre.

I am torn between being angry at what has the appearance of an Obama Power play, and being thankful, both at the same time.  You may ask the reason for my gratitude.  Well, I’ll tell you.   The SEIU, with their North Carolina First Party, might very well elect three new Republicans from North Carolina to the US House!  If Obama is taking this avenue to punish the NC democratic congressman, who bucked him on ObamaCare, then it may very well backfire and turn out to be a case of “cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face!”

Tar Heels are not feeling very charitable towards the Democratic Party in NC at the moment.  The scandal involving our immediate past Governor has soured a lot of democrats in the state.  This power play by the SEIU, which Tar Heel voters associate with the Democratic Party, does absolutely nothing to enhance their image in the eyes of Tar Heel democrats.

North Carolina is a “right to work” state and labor unions are not looked upon very favorable in this state to begin with.  And now they do THIS!

My regional newspaper reports that out of the 85,000-registered voter’s signatures they need to get on the ballot in North Carolina, at last count they had 20,000.  So, they ARE well on their way.  And they are working, hard, at accomplishing their goal. 

On the North Carolina First website SEIU says the following: “North Carolina First is on the ground talking to voters. Right now, North Carolina First is gathering signatures to determine whether to qualify as a state party – to give working families the ability to choose a candidate that will fight for their interests – or to identify Congressional candidates who will stay accountable to the needs of working families not Washington’s special interests.”

You can visit their website HERE.


SEIU plans to have a slate of candidates ready to run in the Mid-Term Election this coming November.

At “The Plum Line,” Greg Sargent’s blog, he says: “It’s also unclear what kind of cash SEIU national will put into this effort — which will also include SEANC, the state employees’ union — and what this will do to relations between labor and the national Dem establishment. But this challenge appears to be a serious experiment in reshaping the landscape of Democratic politics, and it bears watching.” Read the entire article HERE.

North Carolina politics never fails to be entertaining.  The coming democrat blood-letting in the Mid-Term Election in November is shaping up to be another contest ranking right up there with mud wrestling!

J. D. Longstreet

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The Naked Communism of Earth Day … Alan Caruba

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 22, 2010

The Naked Communism of Earth Day

By Alan Caruba

It is no accident that April 22, Earth Day, is also the birth date of Vladimir Lenin, an acolyte of Karl Marx, the lunatic who invented communism as an alternative to capitalism.

Earth Day is naked communism.

To begin, it substitutes a worship of the Earth, Gaia, for the worship of God, creator of the universe and the instructor of moral behavior for mankind.

The Earth does not demand a moral code of personal behavior. Indeed, the lesson it teaches is “the survival of the fittest “and an indifference to suffering. The “natural events” mankind fears most all involve the potential for significant loss of life and for injury.

The Earth is a beautiful place, but it is utterly merciless. Man has learned to adapt to it and, by adapt, I mean to use its resources to build shelter and protection from it, to plant and harvest crops from it, and to domesticate some of its species while hunting and fishing for others for food.

Earth Day postulates that man is the cause of harm to Earth by virtue of his cities, his highways, his use of its sources of energy, and even the garbage that results from the normal course of maintaining life. For centuries mankind routinely burned and buried garbage. Now we are told we must separate and recycle it. We are told that everything plastic is bad even though it is one of the great inventions of modern times.

Communism reached its zenith in the last century. Its imposition in the former Soviet Union, in China, and elsewhere is a litany of murder and oppression. In the 20th century, a minimum 110 million people died as a result. It enslaves mankind wherever it can.

Environmentalism has been built on the foundation laid by communism because both exist to control everyone’s life. They are opposite sides of the same coin, both are opposed to the ownership of private property and both regard man as state property to be drained of his earnings through taxation.

Environmentalism’s preferred method is coercion and the mechanism for this is government.

While America was established to ensure “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, environmentalism exists to exert more and more control over our lives by limiting our choices, our liberty. Environmentalism redefines happiness as doing without the advances of science and commerce that protects and prolongs our lives.

There is nothing voluntary about environmentalism.

There is nothing voluntary about having to recycle. There is nothing voluntary about having to fill your tank with a mixture of gasoline and ethanol. There is nothing voluntary about the imposition of mileage standards for cars. There is nothing voluntary about losing access to beneficial chemicals that control countless insect and rodent pests that spread disease and destroy property.

While the vast majority of Americans clamor for the government to permit access to our nation’s vast natural resources of coal, oil, and natural gas it stands in the way, claiming always that drilling and mining pose a threat to the environment. At the same time it acquires more and more of the nation’s landmass to deter access and economic growth.

In the name of the environment, the U.S. government is set to impose a Cap-and-Trade law on Americans that has no basis whatever in science and is, in fact, based on the greatest hoax of the modern era, “global warming.”

Cap-and-Trade will tax energy use and directly control how much energy individual Americans can use to heat or cool their homes through “smart grid” technology controlled by the utilities, not the consumer.

Environmentalism is the reason the U.S. has not had a single new refinery or nuclear plant built since the 1970s. Think about that every time you drive your car or turn on the lights.

The spread of endless environmental propaganda has been taken up by the nation’s mainstream media and has infiltrated the nation’s schools through its textbooks and other means of instruction. Earth Day will be the occasion for an orgy of media coverage.

Just as communism failed the former Soviet Union and just as Red China abandoned communism as the model for its economy, environmentalism continues its relentless quest to deter economic growth and security in America. It is the infrastructure of a New World Order.

Do not celebrate Earth Day. Denounce it.

Caruba blogs daily at An author, science and business writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center, a clearinghouse for information about scare campaigns designed to influence public opinion and policy.

© Alan Caruba, 2010

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The EPA Monster … Alan Caruba

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 21, 2010

The EPA Monster

By Alan Caruba

Among the legacies of Richard M. Nixon, famed for the Watergate scandal that forced his resignation, it should be noted that he created the Environmental Protection Agency. There was no vote in Congress. He did it with an executive order. Today the EPA has an annual budget of $9 billion and some 18,000 employees.

Not satisfied with the authorized powers given it to ensure clean air and water, the EPA has never ceased to seek expanded powers, culminating soon with a battle over whether it can regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) as a “pollutant.”  Labeled a “greenhouse gas”, in the eyes of the EPA it is an “endangerment” to the health of humanity in general and Americans in particular.

CO2 is as vital to all life on planet Earth in the same way as oxygen. It is what plants consume in order to grow, much as oxygen is essential for life among living creatures that, in turn, are dependent on vegetation, crops, for their sustenance. It’s a neat little cycle that has existed since life emerged on Earth.

If the EPA gains the power to regulate CO2, it will have the power to regulate the activities of every individual and the entire economy of the nation. Traditional sources of energy, with the exception of nuclear and hydroelectric power, involve the emission of CO2. A modern society cannot function without CO2 emissions, but they have nothing to do with global warming because there is NO global warming.

CO2 represents a mere 386 parts per million of the Earth’s atmosphere. Humans are responsible for 3% of its generation; Mother Nature produces the other 97%. And the EPA wants to regulate ALL of it!

Actual science is of no importance to the EPA. If the EPA really cared about human life, it would not have a long history of banning beneficial chemicals such as DDT and other pesticides that protect humans against a laundry list of transmittable diseases like malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, et cetera.

The EPA is actually seeking to limit the amount of deicing fluid used to protect commercial and other aircraft on the grounds that it might get into nearby streams and rivers. Never mind the lives of the passengers and crews on planes that would be brought down as the result of such ice. This defies common sense.

In truth, the EPA threatens the economy and our lives in so many ways it is difficult to know where to point first. To my mind, the way it infiltrates the nation’s education system to fill the minds of children with visions of a planet threatened with “warming” or that every species is “endangered” or that all the waters and air are “polluted” is criminal.

The EPA is currently accepting grant applications “to help manage the National Environmental Education Training Program over the next ten years.” Costing $10 million, it “will provide teachers and other education professionals with resources and support to enable them to teach about environmental issues more effectively.” The EPA was not created to go into our nation’s schools in this manner. This is propaganda. This is indoctrination.

Let us grant that, when it stuck to its original purpose, it did make the air cleaner and some of the nation’s waters. Now, however, the EPA is a massive machine designed to destroy the nation’s economy and impede growth and development in every way possible.

The primary tool for this are lies concerning any element of the environment it wants to control and, as a result, retard the economy. As but one example, there are the new “smog” standards the EPA recently announced.  It has reduced them to a level of 60 to 70 parts per billion in the air. It released a list of counties it says are in violation of the new limits.

The cost of achieving the lower standard is estimated from $19 billion to $90 billion. If you took one tennis ball from an olympic-sized pool filled with them, you would achieve the same result. It’s not merely absurd; it is yet another attack on every single business and industry operating in those counties.

The same idiocy applies to setting mileage rules or requiring that ethanol be added to gasoline. To achieve the mileage rules, the weight of automobiles must be reduced. People inside those thinner, lighter cars will die from an accident at a rate in excess of larger vehicles. As for ethanol, it requires more energy to produce than it saves. It drives up the cost of all the food we consume. It also reduces the mileage from every gallon of gasoline while emitting more CO2!

The EPA is currently at war with the coal industry, responsible for providing the source of 50% of all the electricity generated in the United States of America. A recent “endangerment” finding against all surface coal mining in the Appalachian States of Virginia, Kentucky, and West Virginia is based on the protection of the Mayfly population, an insect that typically lives for one day!

The list of EPA abuses of common sense and known science could fill a shelf of books in much the same way its ever-expanding regulations do, but the worst of it is yet to come if the Cap-and-Trade Act is passed.

Despite the fact that CO2 has nothing to do with the non-existent “global warming” and therefore does not need to be regulated for any reason, the enactment of the bill will literally prevent a homeowner from selling their home without permission from an EPA administrator. The cost of buying or selling a home will soar.

The Environmental Protection Agency needs to be reduced in size and authority to its original intent. Better still, eliminate it entirely. It is a monster.

Alan Caruba writes a daily post at An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.

© Alan Caruba, 2010

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Doctors in the US Vowing to Quit Or Retire

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 20, 2010

Doctors in the US Vowing to Quit Or Retire

ObamaCare Driving Doctors out of Business!

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

What if you went to school for 6 to 12 years to earn your medical degree?  Suppose you had HUGE student loans to pay off as well as set up a practice and purchase the necessary equipment you need as a doctor to treat your patients properly — and suppose you had to submit to more training practically every year of your career to stay abreast of new treatments, new equipment, and new federal and state laws pertaining to your practice of medicine.


Just suppose you did all of the above and then wake up one morning to find that you were no longer a private physician, no longer a small business owner, no longer your own boss, but a government beaurocrat taking orders on how to practice medicine, how and with which government approved treatment plan you are allowed to treat your trusting patients.   What would YOU do? Huh?  I THOUGHT SO!  You’d quit, right?


Well, according to a recent survey, 46 percent of the Primary Care doctors practicing medicine in America today say they WILL quit when ObamaCare becomes the law of the land… and I do not blame them one bit!  The New England Journal of Medicine reported in its March-April 2010 issue that 46.3% of Primary Care Physicians will likely leave the practice of medicine if ObamaCare was passed into law (SOURCE).


With a large shortage in Primary Care doctors causing problems in America today and half of the remaining P. C. doctors vowing to quit – do you still believe the myth, no, let’s call it what it is, the LIE, the Obama Regime fed to gullible Americans that there would be no healthcare rationing in America.  It was BS all along… and Obama and his minions knew it then — and they know it now!

Face it people, you have been had – again!  Obama LIED to you. The socialist (sometimes referred to as democrats — but more often these days the more accurate term – socialists) lied to you!


The whole ObamaCare package is a lie from start to finish!  It is the biggest swindle ever perpetrated on a nation anywhere, anytime.     America has been SCREWED!

There is a MUST Read article by Susan Ferrechio, Chief Congressional Correspondent of the Washington Examiner, entitled: “Ten inconvenient questions about Obamacare.”  You really must read the article.  You’ll find it HERE.

You know, we have come to expect politicians to lie, but for goodness sakes, dear reader, the Obama Regime has become a nest of pathological liars, as has the Pelosi Posse in the US House of Representatives!

Look, America blundered, big time, back in 2008 when they elected Obama as President.  The folks across the pond may just LOVE him, but here in America, he is fast becoming one of the least respected Presidents ever — worse, even, than Jimmy Carter OR Bill Clinton (Clinton was Impeached!)  I am convinced he is a socialist.  I mean:  If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and flocks with other socialist, then it is most likely, a duck/socialist. 

ObamaCare is destined to ruin the American healthcare system.  With the current HUGE shortage in doctors, especially General Practioners, plus the 46%, or so, of currently practicing doctors about to quit – where will the doctors come from to work in the ObamaCare system as government apparatchiks?   How many scholars, who had been considering medicine as a career, will look elsewhere for a profession not yet tainted by the mailed fist of the federal government thereby maintaining the doctor shortage? 

We must ask if the US government is considering bringing in doctors from abroad, docs who may, or may not have been trained up to the standards required of doctors practicing medicine in the US?  Will he activate military reserve medics and doctors and place them in civilian hospitals and government clinics?  Hey, the doctors have to come form somewhere?

We already expect to find, manning the front lines in doctor’s offices, Physician’s Assistants and Nurse Practioners. My state is even considering allowing Nurse Practioners to use the title of “Doctor.”  Oh, did I mention NC has a Democrat dominated State Legislature.  That said, we Tar Heels just KNOW they will look out for the people of the Old North State rather than Obama – right?  Yeah, RIGHT!

America is in serious trouble.  The depth of that trouble is, as yet, unfathomable.

J. D. Longstreet

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Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 19, 2010

The High Holy Days of the Environmental Religion

Earth Day… a Celebration of the New Paganism

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


We are about to witness a worldwide pagan rite – the worship of the earth, the worship of Gaia, (Earth Mother). Earth Day is the worship of nature — rather than Nature’s God.

Though touted as, somehow, NEW, worship of the earth is likely the oldest religion on earth.  Born of child-like ignorance, it has survived centuries and is, once again, robust and thriving among those people of earth who have lost their way and have reclaimed this form of paganism at the risk of their eternal souls.

I must tell you, I question whether one who subscribes to the Christian faith can take part in a pagan rite without committing sin.  The Earth Day celebration is, in my opinion, a pagan rite.  Celebrants of paganism can only be in league with the forces of evil. 


But here we are, this week, celebrating the annual, global, orgasmic, daisy chain of paganism — Earth Day. 

Paganism will be on display over the next several days.  It is reminiscent of the days before civilization took root and the human animal began its assent from the caves and mud huts.

Over the past few centuries, and especially in the mid 20th century, those elements of socialistic societies, which remained, came to realize their days were numbered — unless they could contrive a different way of bringing humanity under control.  They fell back on that thing which has ALWAYS worked, at least temporarily, in the past… and that is ignorance and fear — ignorance of the truth and fear of the imagined threat, or threats.

Even in the 21st century man is still, basically, controlled by fear.  The fear of an imagined natural threat frightens man to his or her core.   The destruction of one’s home is always at the forefront of man’s innate fear.  Since the planet earth is the home of the human race, any threat to it, is the most feared of all.

If the “enlightened” socialist among us wished to control the masses of humanity (and they did — and do!) they had to play upon that fear among the peoples of the earth.  The fear that their homes were being destroyed, and to rouse the anger in those frightened human beings, they were indoctrinated to believe that it was other humans who were destroying their home.

Most of us are not scientists.  Most of us know only as much science as is necessary for us to live productive lives.  We leave science to the scientists.

As our educational systems have devolved into degraded teaching institutions… teaching just enough… and demanding the students learn just enough… to guarantee the institution continues to received public funding, the level of education about real science has all but disappeared from our curricula.  Even where it is still taught, it has been broken down to the level of the lowest performing student in the class.  As a result, we have a world citizenry functionally ignorant of basic science.

Couple the decline of our educational systems, world wide, with the divestiture by “The Church” of its duty to teach the one true God — and the stage is set.

Enter the Environmental Movement and their “new” religion.  It is a religion as old as the earth itself… but new to the undereducated masses of the planet today.   We used to openly refer to it as “Paganism.”  The Christian Church used to send missionaries to countries, which still practiced paganism.  Now that is reversed and we are sending “missionaries OF paganism” all over the world.

Our forsaking the worship of “the creator” in favor of the worship of “the created” is a cycle as old as man himself.  And once again, we have circled back to the religion of our caveman ancestors.

The latest denomination in the church of Paganism is the Global Warming movement or Climate Change movement.

I look on in wonder, as my fellow human beings are sucked into this worldwide hoax.  I marvel, in wonder, at the combination of arrogance and ignorance, which leads one to rely on a false doctrine such as that of the Global Warming Movement.

An oligarchy is the rule of the many by the few.  That is the brief explanation of oligarchy.  The global warming movement, and indeed, the environmental movement fits the classic example of an oligarchy.  Someone, somewhere, is pulling the strings, which will lead the people of this planet back into the New Dark Ages.


Why does man ever wish to control other men?  Power.  When one dares to peer beneath the surface, and behind the façade, of the Global Warming/Climate Change movement, the latest off-spring of the Environmental Movement, one quickly sees the hand pulling the strings of the puppets who gallivant all over the globe hawking the wares of fear and ignorance. 


It is all for control of the masses.   It is all for the emplacement of a new feudal system.  The overlords of humanity will reign, as they always do, by fear and intimidation.  The fear that the world is going to burn up in a blaze of heat only to be overcome by the ocean’s flooding of the coastal regions, where most humans choose to live, wiping out every living thing… is the motivating force. 

This is The Gospel of the environmental movement, the environmental religion, and The Church of Global Warming.

Modern man is latching on to the self-proclaimed saviors, as we always have, to save us from the coming disaster.  Most never question the validity of the “coming disaster.”  Those few of us who do are the infidels.

Count me among the infidels!  I still cling to the First Commandment given mankind by the original, and only, God.  For those of you not up on the “Old Religion”… it is:  “Thou shalt have no other gods before me….”

J. D. Longstreet

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Rescuing America Requires A Political Purge Of Our Government(s)

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 16, 2010

Rescuing America Requires A Political Purge Of Our Government(s)

Clean them out from City Hall to Congress!

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Recently, I warned my fellow Americans to prepare for an avalanche of taxes.  These taxes will be descending upon us from the federal government, the state governments, our county governments, and our city governments. 

WHY?  The answer is simply because the various governments ruling us have no understanding of capitalist economics.  Well, that is not exactly true.  Some of the folks in government understand capitalist and socialist economics as well as any accountant, but quite often they, too, are intoxicated with the power-trip levying taxes provides for lawmakers — not to mention they have opted for the socialist brand of economics.

Why all the increases in taxes and the implementation of new taxes?  The root cause is SPENDING – out of control, useless, careless, spending.

Look, I am married to a woman who spent nearly 35 years in the banking industry.  I would bet my paycheck, if I had one, that you could put that woman in a room –alone — with a red pencil, and present her with the books of the US government, and instruct her to find cuts in the budget – and — when she finished the United States of America would be in damn good financial condition!

Having said that, I expect that most any average American given the same task could find billions of dollars in useless, careless, even nonsensical spending that could be cut, completely, bringing this country back on an even keel financial.

We all know that when the public demands their public officials cut spending, the public “servants” always, ALWAYS, come back with their tried and true scare tactics of being forced to cut, public safety, as in policemen, firemen, rescue personnel, and such.  They ALWAYS do that.  But, it is complete Bovine Scatology (BS!). 

Yes, they may have to cut a few jobs in those departments, but not so many that anarchy reigns.  Besides, if the average citizen was given access to the books and allowed to make cuts, I expect there would be very few folks who would argue with the cuts they would find.  Certainly some of those directly affected by the cuts would raise hell, but hey, at some point reality must be allowed to come to the fore and tough decisions made — and the economy righted.  It can be done, but we have to WANT to do it.

In the meantime, our government has spent billions and billions of dollars we don’t have.  The country is broke.  So the government borrowed the money — and then blew it.

Somebody has to pay those lenders back.   You and I will pay a portion of it.  Our children and grandchildren and even our great grandchildren will be paying off those loans far, far, into the future.

How will we pay it?  Taxes — and MORE taxes. Suggestions from some senators include a 15-cents per gallon tax on gasoline. A Value Added Tax has already been suggested. Then they are really going to get creative.

America will be smothered by taxes.  Watch for another bout of “malaise” to set in when Americans come to understand there is no point in working so hard when most of what you earn is going to the government, anyway.

In the next few weeks we will be hit with propaganda telling us the recession is over or almost over.  They will try to convince Americans that good times are here again. 

Don’t believe it.  There may be a period of moderation in the recession, but many believe it will be temporary and in a few months we’ll be in as bad a shape economically as we are today, if not worse. 

I tend to believe there will be a deliberate move to “cook the books” in the months and weeks, leading to the election in November, to make democrats look much better than they look today and stave off the bloodletting of democrats in the Mid-Term Election.  In 2011, if we are correct, the bottom will fall out of the American economy again.  Ask yourself this: when you consider those running the US government these days, is this scenario too far fetched?  See what I mean?

Americans fought a war over taxation without representation. I must tell you, it is worse WITH representation!  Especially when those we sent to Washington to represent us DON’T!

The only chance we have to rescue our country is to throw the bums out!  We’ll have a chance at a good start at doing just that this coming November.  I intend to vote against every incumbent, beginning with the NC primary election in May.  Let’s just say I intend to enforce some term limits of my own on those purportedly representing me all the way from City Hall to Congress.

Rescuing America cannot wait.  If we are to be successful, we must begin the purge in the primaries and follow through all the way to the General Election in November of 2012.  It is the only way to save the republic.

J. D. Longstreet

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Socialist America

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 15, 2010

Socialist America

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


Winston Churchill said: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”  In these few words Churchill summed up for us exactly what Obama and the Democratic Party of America are ramming down the throats of the citizens of the United States today.

We watched over the years as the US Democratic Party adopted more and more of the Marxist agenda and slowly transformed themselves from a freedom loving political party to a Socialist/Marxist party.  I first became aware of this transformation in the 1960’s.  Since then I have watched as the Democratic Party has slowly shed it’s façade until they now proudly proclaim their socialist agenda.

I understand that many Americans STILL have no idea what socialism is and, unfortunately, they have even less understanding of capitalism. At least two generations of Americans have been taught in the government indoctrination centers, we laughingly refer to as the Public School System, and in our institutions of higher learning, that being liberal, being progressive, is the accepted norm for Americans.  They bought it.  Apparently, nobody told them that words like “liberal” and “progressive” were cover words for “collectivism,” “socialism”, and “communism”.

Well, I have news for you.  Socialism is not “American” by any stretch of the imagination. If fact, it is anti-American.

How was this deception introduced into American government?  It was a Democrat President by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who introduced socialism to America and embedded it in our government.  He said:  “Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt . 

American, my Aunt Fanny!  That’s PURE socialism!

Thomas Jefferson said:  “To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.”

Now, THAT is American!

We have warned of socialist Incrementalism time and time again.  We have warned that Incrementalism was being used to advance the socialist agenda in America — only to be slapped down again and again by left-wingers.

Let’s see what Nikita Khrushchev, former premier of the Soviet Union had to say about America and socialism.  Mr. Khrushchev said:  “We can’t expect the American people to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.”

Aha! So, there WAS a conspiracy!  So, let’s look a bit farther.  Mr. Norman Thomas, a former Socialist Party Presidential Candidate said: “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Well, SOME of us know how it happened.  Heck we literally SCREAMED at America that it WAS happening.

So, now that America is Socialist, what do freedom loving Americans do about it?  We PURGE or government of as many socialists as we can including those who hide behind titles such as “Liberal,” Progressive,” and, yes, Democrat.”

We do it at the polls this coming November and in November of 2012.   The only other option is just too horrible to consider.  I am convinced that unless we rescue America from the clutches of the Socialists, Marxists, Progressives, and Communists, America, as we know it today — a country consisting of 50 united states — will cease to exist as a 50 state entity in less than two decades.   The anger and rage you see publicly demonstrated today is just the tip of the Iceberg. It runs much, much, deeper.

America has been hi-jacked and she must be rescued for the sake of freedom.

J. D. Longstreet 

Socialist America

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet



Winston Churchill said: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”  In these few words Churchill summed up for us exactly what Obama and the Democratic Party of America are ramming down the throats of the citizens of the United States today.


We watched over the years as the US Democratic Party adopted more and more of the Marxist agenda and slowly transformed themselves from a freedom loving political party to a Socialist/Marxist party.  I first became aware of this transformation in the 1960’s.  Since then I have watched as the Democratic Party has slowly shed it’s façade until they now proudly proclaim their socialist agenda.


I understand that many Americans STILL have no idea what socialism is and, unfortunately, they have even less understanding of capitalism. At least two generations of Americans have been taught in the government indoctrination centers, we laughingly refer to as the Public School System, and in our institutions of higher learning, that being liberal, being progressive, is the accepted norm for Americans.  They bought it.  Apparently, nobody told them that words like “liberal” and “progressive” were cover words for “collectivism,” “socialism”, and “communism”.


Well, I have news for you.  Socialism is not “American” by any stretch of the imagination. If fact, it is anti-American.


How was this deception introduced into American government?  It was a Democrat President by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who introduced socialism to America and embedded it in our government.  He said:  “Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt . 


American, my Aunt Fanny!  That’s PURE socialism!


Thomas Jefferson said:  “To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.”


Now, THAT is American!


We have warned of socialist Incrementalism time and time again.  We have warned that Incrementalism was being used to advance the socialist agenda in America — only to be slapped down again and again by left-wingers.


Let’s see what Nikita Khrushchev, former premier of the Soviet Union had to say about America and socialism.  Mr. Khrushchev said:  “We can’t expect the American people to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.”


Aha! So, there WAS a conspiracy!  So, let’s look a bit farther.  Mr. Norman Thomas, a former Socialist Party Presidential Candidate said: “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”


Well, SOME of us know how it happened.  Heck we literally SCREAMED at America that it WAS happening.


So, now that America is Socialist, what do freedom loving Americans do about it?  We PURGE or government of as many socialists as we can including those who hide behind titles such as “Liberal,” Progressive,” and, yes, Democrat.”


We do it at the polls this coming November and in November of 2012.   The only other option is just too horrible to consider.  I am convinced that unless we rescue America from the clutches of the Socialists, Marxists, Progressives, and Communists, America, as we know it today — a country consisting of 50 united states — will cease to exist as a 50 state entity in less than two decades.   The anger and rage you see publicly demonstrated today is just the tip of the Iceberg. It runs much, much, deeper.


America has been hi-jacked and she must be rescued for the sake of freedom.


J. D. Longstreet

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Latest Post by J. D. Longstreet

Posted in Uncategorized by J. D. Longstreet on April 14, 2010

Due to technical difficulties we were unable to overcome, we could not post our latest article.  Please go here for the latest article by J. D. Longstreet:

Thank you!

J. D. Longstreet

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