Hurricane Alley… by J. D. Longstreet

We Mourn For a Lost America Today!… by J. D. Longstreet


We mourn the loss of Freedom, Democracy, and America’s position in the world as a Leader. In place of all these, America has chosen SOCIALISM the “Destroyer of Nations”.

I am ashamed of my fellow Americans for giving up their freedom, their constitution, their liberty, everything the Founding Fathers gave us, for so cheap a price.

The disunity of America is now complete. There is nothing left of that which bound us together. The descent of America, into the ash heap of history, has officially begun. The decline will be relatively swift and excruciatingly painful.


May God have Mercy on America, on those who warned “the other people who live in this country”. I cannot use “fellow Americans” as that phrase no longer applies. It has been shredded by the Obama Machine and by the Democratic Party.


It is now time to prepare for the descent into anarchy. Providence, it seems, has decided punishment is required for those who have defaced and destroyed this land, formerly under His protection, and done so from within.


Please consider the following from the Bible… Revelation 6: 1 – 8

(Rev 6:1-8 NIV) I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” {2} I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

{3} When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” {4} Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.

{5} When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. {6} Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

{7} When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” {8} I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Today we mourn the passing of America. Today America is the democrat Socialist States of America. Today the “pale horse” is loosed on the land.

…. by J. D. Longstreet



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After America… Who Will Lead The World?

By J. D. Longstreet


November 4th, 2008, will likely go down in the history books as the day America gave up her world leadership role and became another “has been” nation.


About two years ago when I first began to look seriously at this fellow named Obama, I recognized his overt socialism immediately.  It wasn’t difficult.  It was right there for everyone to see… if one wished to see it.  But it now seems that millions of Americans are perfectly fine with assisting in the suicide of America by accepting his message of socialism, the destroyer of nations.


I’m an old codger, in my late sixties, and I have seen socialism as an enemy of the United States and what, back in my day, we called Americanism. Americanism is simply defined as democratic capitalism.


When I was in the US military we were taught to fight socialism. We trained to meet the socialists on the field of battle. There was no question that Americanism and socialism could not exist on the same globe without conflict, and, we rightly assumed, armed conflict.


Months ago, as I began to write about the dangers of socialism to America, (and how the Democratic Party has become a sort of Socialist/Democratic party) I was stunned when they, the democrats, did not refute it. I had expected democrats to deny any connection to socialism.  But they didn’t.  It was then that it struck me… they don’t deny it because they can’t.  They have become socialist! They have embraced socialism.


Back in 1935, or so, FDR, a democrat, introduced Socialism to America with his New Deal. America has never been able to extricate itself from the New Deal.  It is still with us today.


As hard as it is to fathom, there are millions of Americans today educated in America’s public schools who have no idea what socialism is.  As the democrat party controls our public school system, the courses taught are favorable to socialism. American “scholars” are not taught that socialism is a cancer, which will eat away the core of a capitalist nation by simply removing any desire of the citizens to advance their station in life.  It squashes all ambition to live better, to make more money, to manufacture better goods, to offer better services, to do/say/produce anything in which one could exhibit pride either in themselves or their country. 


How can this be?  Well, socialism demands the end of private enterprise. Under socialism there would be no small businesses, no Mom and Pop stores, no entrepreneurs. Socialism demands the redistribution of wealth.  That means taking the money you earned and giving it to those who did not earn it. Socialism demands that all wealth in a nation, and that includes yours, will be controlled by the government. In other words, you will own nothing — not even your own money.  The government owns everything and everyone is given only what it takes for that person to survive.  Socialism celebrates the lack of an upper class and a lower class.  Under socialism there is only one class.  And in THAT class all people suffer equally.


It would seem that America has made the decision to turn it’s back on everything good the forbearers made and sacrificed to give us… an America, unique in all the world and in all the world’s history.  What, then, is America about to do?  America is about to join the mediocrity of the remainder of the world.   No longer desirous of the leadership role, no longer willing to do the heavy lifting required by freedom, America has decided to join the pack of “has been” nations now embarrassed by their past glory years.


If I am right, and I am convinced that I am, tomorrow will begin the” Post-America” period in world history. Which leads to the burning question, at least for me.  That question is:  after America, who will lead the world?    


J. D. Longstreet




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I Overestimated My fellow Americans … by J. D. Longstreet

Some of us have been screaming from the rooftops, for nearly 2 years now, that Mr. Obama is a socialist. Only now, just days before the election, are people beginning to take notice. Why? It is there for everyone but the deaf, dumb, and bind to see.


America has been slowly but surely headed toward a socialist government since FDR’s “New Deal.” In the 1960’s it was Lyndon Baines Johnson and the “Great Society”, and now, the crowning touch, Barack Hussein Obama and the… what…”Spread the Wealth Around” government?


The Left in America knows they have not succeeded in convincing us all to buy into their “Demand whatever the country can do for you” approach to government. You see, there are a heck of a lot of folks, like me, still roaming around, out here in the hinterlands of America, who see them for what they are, who recognize their scheme to lock down a democratic majority, forever, in Washington by making every single American dependent on the government for their very existence. Folks like me are a threat to them and their plans.


That is why Obama has run a stealth campaign. Think back. Obama has not told us a single thing, in concrete terms, he will do for you. Oh sure, he has given us great oratorical flourishes that spellbind those who wish to be spellbound. Watching an Obama event is much the same as watching the old medicine shows of the 1800’s. His snake oil is his promise of change, of hope, of (—–) whatever you wish to place in the blank.


People, like me, pay attention to what is going on about them. We are aware of what our government is doing. We feel that the government is answerable to us, as the voter, and, equally important, we also feel we have a responsibility to watch the government and make sure they stay within the guidelines of the constitution. That is the way a free people stay free. Never, ever, trust your government.


It is we the left is afraid of. The fact that we continue to agitate and call attention to Obama’s obvious socialism grinds on them every second of every day. They fear that our collective voices may eventually cut through their carefully constructed façade and actually draw your attention to every thing that is wrong with the fine print in the Obama promise. First and foremost where is the money going to come from to finance Obama’s expanded government? Secondly, who is going to protect us from all this nations enemies now salivating at the expectation that such a weakling as Obama will assume the office of Commander-in-Chief of the US military? Apparently, everyone already knows that no amount of talking, and jawboning, with the Islamofacists, with Russia, with North Korea, with Iraq, with Iran, with Afghanistan, with Venezuela, and the host of nameless enemies we face daily will do any good, at all. Everyone, that is, but Obama. They look on, as Americans flock after this empty suit, in disbelief at their good fortune. They are ecstatic that America is about to be handed to them on a silver platter.


Our forefathers must be spinning in their graves. The blood, sweat, tears, and providential intervention they, and those who followed them, spent in building a nation unlike any on the earth is all for naught. For if the people have no more love of their country, no more pride in who they are as Americans, no more belief in themselves than those who follow Obama, then, I must tell you, we don’t deserve the country they gave us.


It would seem that I have overestimated the intelligence of the American people. It would seem that I have overestimated my fellow Americans’ love for freedom. My error, apparently, was in believing that a people grown from the stock of patriots who fought kings and world superpowers for their freedom, and created a country in which the citizens were limited only by their own imaginations and ambitions would naturally want to preserve this precious land and all the freedom if offers. My mistake. It is a mistake I will not make again.


J. D. Longstreet





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There Is No UNITED States!

There Is NO UNITED States!

By: J. D. Longstreet


There is a thread of fear running through the right side of the political spectrum in America. It is so real you can taste it. You can see it in the eyes of conservatives. You can hear it in their voices and you can even physically hear it when it is whispered into your ear. I will quickly add… it is fear mixed with resignation. Conservatives speak of it only in whispers. The left doesn’t speak of it at all because they are completely clueless about it.


Our fellow Americans, (on the left side of the American political spectrum) have mistakenly read the Right’s current state of mind as “fear of losing the election.” They could not be more wrong. It is not fear of losing the election. It is, however, fear of losing our country and the growing resignation that It is already too late to stop the sprint toward an inevitable conflict between citizens of what used to be the greatest country on the planet.


Yes, this IS a horrible thing to contemplate. Our forefathers in 1776 didn’t want it. Our ancestors in 1861 didn’t want it and we don’t want it. Nevertheless, the threat is there, standing just out of the light… but… just barely inside the shadows of our consciousness. The threat is visible to those who WANT to see it. The old expression “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” certainly applies to any who will not see that America is headed toward an internal conflict unlike anything this nation has seen since the 19th century.


For decades now a wedge has been driven deeper and deeper through the heart of what was a United America. We are no longer united. The UNITED states do not exist… except in poetry, verse, song, creeds, pledges, and in the imagination of those people who inhabit a “dream world” far above the plain upon which you and I dwell.


In reality, Americans are split asunder… cleft in twain by the cleaver of socialism. The election of a socialist President will complete the great divide of America and render us truly TWO nations. No hope for unity will exist. We will be constantly at each other’s throats, constantly in over-heated debate scratching and clawing at each other until the inevitable happens.


I’m over reacting… right? You’d better hope so! Just to reassure yourselves that I am a nut, check your encyclopedia for the history of this nation from about 1820 through 1865… then tell me you do not see the parallels. You see, for those of us who have paid more than passing attention to the actual history of this country, what is happening today in America is akin to the replay of a very old movie. A story that does not have a happy ending, but instead, flashes, “to be continued” at the end of the last reel. 


If you have been harboring thoughts that the American Left and the American Right will ever be able to reconcile and become one vast, single, goal-oriented electorate, allow me to disabuse you of that hallucinatory conception. No, the two are so totally different in their philosophies of life and politics… and even religion, that there is absolutely no hope of ever putting aside those differences and “coming together”. It just isn’t going to happen. The divide grows wider every day.


There was a time when I felt that I would not live to see the next civil war in America but I must say that at the speed comity is dissolving in American I may yet live to see the opening volleys.


The question is… how much longer will the Right restrain itself? The socialist government, we are likely to have after the election, may snap the leash.


 The Right’s patience is nearly spent. This very election could well be the last election held under the false claim implied by the current name of the country, “The United States of America.” We are decidedly split into two camps. The socialists are on the left, and on the right, those who want to preserve democracy. The line has been drawn.


Let’s face it:  The Left covets a socialist regime in America and they will stop at nothing, as we now know, to get it. The right wants to save the country and the constitution The Founders of this country gave us. To the left, the constitution is simply an impediment. It is in their way and they are forever looking for ways around it. Their henchmen on the Supreme Court find all sorts of things in the constitution that aren’t there. They claim it is a “living document” which it isn’t. The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the constitution, was intended to restrain the federal government’s power. Unrestrained government is, for all intents and purposes, the creed of the political Left. Many on the Right fear that in the event of a future national emergency a leftists/socialist government might find it “necessary” to suspend the constitution and, possibly, national elections. There goes democracy. 


I voted earlier this week. I voted for a true conservative for President. If this is to be the last election I take part in I wanted to mark my ballot in support of the idea of a democratic representative republic, the kind of government our forefathers gave us. As I stood there, with the ballot in my hands, I had a choice between Karl Marx’s brand of government or that of Washington Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and the all the rest of those men who put everything they had, including their very lives, on the line to create this government. I knew I could not sleep at night if I did not support the America for which so many Americans have laid down their lives since 1776.


Crunch time is coming. The Media is telling us that the sale of firearms is at an historical high in this country. I warned of this a few weeks ago. This election will decide if we stay free a few more years, or if we begin the descent into anarchy. I’m afraid it is too much to hope for “UNITED” any longer.


J. D. Longstreet

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Democrats plan censorship with Reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine!

Democrats plan censorship with reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine!… by J.D. Longstreet


We warned you the Democrat/Socialists would do this and they are currently preparing to do just that.  We warned you the democrats are all about raw power. The assertion of their tyranny by any means possible.  The Fairness Doctrine is censorship, plain and simple.  And, indications are that they’re going to pass it, in the House and Senate, if Obama is elected and he WILL sign it into law!


Read about it here:


Yes, a few months ago, Obama said he would not re-impose the so-called Fairness Doctrine, but… do you want to hang your hat on that?  I mean, when the Democratic Party’s leaders are hell bent on squelching conservative talk radio can you rely on a President Obama having the spine to deny them that?  I don’t think so.  If a bill reaches his desk, ready for his signature, he will be reminded of the support those same leaders gave him in his campaign for the presidency, and he’ll sign it.  Bet on it. 


As a money making enterprise, on broadcast stations, liberal talk radio sucks.  Listeners turn away in droves and stations carrying those programs cannot get advertisers because advertisers spend their money where there are listeners! They must… if their ad campaign is to be successful. With the Fairness Doctrine, a radio station and/or TV station would be bound, by law, to broadcast a liberal talk radio show for every conservative talk radio show.  What that means in “money talk” is… radios stations will reduce the number of conservative programs in order to reduce the number of liberal programs to avoid losing money. It’s as simple as that. After all, they are in business to make money for their stockholders.  If the stations find they must dump all political programming… they will do it, just as they did before the Reagan administration rolled back the original Fairness Doctrine.


According to an article on Front Page Magazine the Democrats are considering other ways to get the same effect as the Fairness Doctrine without having to wage the war with conservatives that is sure to come if they attempt the re-instatement of that law. You can read that article by Brian C. Anderson at:


But, there is “a kicker” in all this. It’s called the Broadcaster Freedom Act. You can the Bill here: 


What it does, in effect, is bar the Congress from ever reinstating the Fairness Doctrine.  But the Speaker of the US House of Representatives will not allow an up or down vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act. If it isn’t enacted, and Obama is elected, back comes the Fairness Doctrine.


If you are a blogger or a regular user of the Internet you must be concerned over this because sooner or later something of the same sort is bound to hit the Internet. You can bet it will be aimed at opinion sites such as this very site.


The question that worries Internet users, bloggers especially, is whether all network content can be reached equally, or will some sites be more difficult to get to than others?  This is a very real concern.  Don’t think it can’t happen.


There’s an article by Lance Fairchok at the American Thinker dated July 8th, 2008 entitled: “Stealing Freedom: Democrat ‘Media Reform”.  We recommend you read it if there is any doubt in your mind about the Fairness Doctrine.  You’ll find it at:


The Fairness Doctrine, by any other name, is still censorship and an assault on the First Amendment.


J. D. Longstreet






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Redistribution of the Wealth

Redistribution of the Wealth
By J. D. Longstreet

Question: Who said the following, Karl Marx or Barack Obama? “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” The answer is… BOTH. Well, Marx DID say it a little differently. Marx said it this way: “ From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”

Shocking? No, at least not to those of us who have been paying attention to the Obama Campaign. What was shocking, well, maybe not SHOCKING, but “TELLING” was the fact that so many people WERE shocked by Mr. Obama’s utterance to a plumber named “Joe” a few days ago.

In the words of Karl Marx (above), ‘From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.’ That, dear reader, is straight out of the Communist Manifesto. Haven’t read the Communist Manifesto? You should. It will be a fantastic eye-opener if you are still undecided about whom you will vote for. You’ll find it at:

Here are just a few things the Communist Manifesto states:

“…..But let us have done with the bourgeois objections to communism.
We have seen above that the first step in the revolution by the working class is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class to win the battle of democracy.

The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state, i.e., of the proletariat organized as the ruling class; and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible.

Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionizing the mode of production.

These measures will, of course, be different in different countries.

Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.”….
(From the Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 1848

For another view of the type socialism Mr. Obama is preaching let us turn to one Mr. Winston Churchill. He said this: “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
There is an excellent article at The Chistian Science Monitor on this very subject. You’ll find it at:

Then, again in 1945 Winston Churchill said this about “socialism” in a broadcast he made during the election campaign broadcast he made just before the General Election that year. Mr. Churchill said this: “…. . . a socialist policy is abhorrent to the British ideas of freedom. Socialism is inseparably interwoven with totalitarianism and the object worship of the state. It will prescribe for every one where they are to work, what they are to work at, where they may go and what they may say. Socialism is an attack on the right to breathe freely. No socialist system can be established without a political police. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance.

In the book “The Downing Street Years” the conservative Brit, Magaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister, believed that there was no fairer trial for socialism than in Britain in the mid-20th century, and it has been conclusively proved to be a failure.

Now… considering all this, we, here in America, are seriously considering switching from freedom and capitalism to slavery and socialism??? Even the thought, itself is troubling. The choice between the two candidates for President is so clear that it cannot be confused. And yet, we have Americans who claim to be “undecided”. How can that be? The choice is clear: freedom or slavery.

The moment for indecision has long since passed. It is time now to make a commitment to see that America is preserved as the home of the free. There are no second chances or “do overs”. This election is for “keeps’. We have to get it right the first time.

J. D. Longstreet

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A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand.

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand.

By J. D. Longstreet


“And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand”.  From the Bible, Matthew 12:25.


The schism that slices through America today has been widening since the 19th century.  Little by little, decade-by-decade, year-by-year it has continued to get ever wider and ever deeper.  It has nothing to do with geography.  It has nothing to do with slavery… and, yet, it has everything to do with slavery.


What, you say?  Didn’t we put the slavery issue to rest with a war in the 1860’s?  The truthful answer is NO, we did not. We put to rest the issue of whether or not a man could hold another man in bondage in this country. What we did not put to rest, however, is the question of whether this country’s government could hold its citizens in bondage.


The founders of this country intended to set up a government with very little power. They intended the government to have only the power the citizens allowed it to have. Almost instantly the power struggle began between those who wanted a strong central government and those who wanted strong states and a weak central government.  After all, it was The States that created the Federal Government… as a utility of the states.  Not the other way around.  Look it up.


In 1860 there were 33 states in the so-called United States of America.  I do mean “so-called” because they were anything but UNITED.  By the spring of 1861 thirteen of those states had had enough of being dictated to by a dictatorial federal government wielding powers the constitution did not grant it, so they waved goodbye and took their leave of the United States. They created a country of their own with a constitution (mostly copied from the original constitution of the US) and they became a separate country. 


A few Americans today actually know what caused that split. A handful of Americans understand what the ensuing war was fought about


A few million Americans still feel the sting of being forced, at the point of a government bayonet, to be a part of a country their ancestors had forsaken in order to set up a government in the image of the government the Founding Fathers of America had given the United States. 


A few million Americans who either live in, or hail from, the only portion of this country to ever be invaded, conquered, and occupied by a foreign power, understand what is happening in America today, not because we learned it in school, no… because we learned it from the stories our families have handed down from generation to generation and from our own research into what happened to a country which had, less than a hundred years before, won it’s Independence from the Mother Country.   We are scattered all over America today.  We see where America is headed… and we fear for our fellow Americans because they/we are not ready for the cost of what is about to happen to her.  None of us are.  What America is facing, in the next few years, will make the American Civil War seem like a Sunday School picnic.


Yes, I am referring to SLAVERY. Voluntary slavery to begin with… then involuntary slavery… when it is then too late. The socially accepted word for it these days is… SOCIALISM.


In just a few days Americans will go to the polls to exercise a right granted them by their states… not the federal government. The issue we will be voting for, or against, is slavery.  Whether America should stay free, or whether America should give up the freedom so many have fought, bled, and died for, and assume the yoke and chains of slavery under socialism. 


Make no mistake.  SOCIALISM IS SLAVERY.  Under socialism you will give up all your rights… all your freedom for security guaranteed by the Central Government.  Believe me, if you think democracy is expensive; wait ‘til you have to pay for all those FREE programs.


All my instincts tell me that Americans are willing to give up everything for the promise of security.  Of all things “un-American”… that is the MOST un-American. But, that is what I expect to happen on Election Day.


Do not expect the half of the country who stands solidly against socialism to go along, quietly, into the self inflicted slavery of this hell-spawned form of government we call socialism. 


If the country votes in favor of socialism, on November 4th, all bets are off. The word “United” can be dropped from the country’s name.  The country will be torn in two.   And there will be no compromise. It cannot be healed, ever, again. Two peoples, this diametrically opposed, cannot share the same space. Only the most naive among us cannot understand where this argument over how we are to be governed will eventually wind up. Americans have been there before. More Americans died in the first American Civil War than in all the wars in which America has fought since her founding.  And today, at least half of this country is deadly in earnest about their love of freedom and are willing to sacrifice, as their forefathers did, to preserve it.


Yes, we are in dangerous times. Extremely dangerous. If you have not taken the time to consider, seriously, how you will vote then may we suggest you do so, and do so prayerfully.


J. D. Longstreet 












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The Last Election

The Last Election.

By  J. D. Longstreet


We are fast approaching the general election, in November, here in the United States. For those of you outside the US, this is “The Big One”. This is the election we hold every four years to decide the direction the United States will take for the next four years, at the very least. Every time one of these elections rolls around we bill it as the most important election… ever. And that is true. Every last one of these elections is, in fact, the most important election in the United States… EVER.

But this 2008 election could be the election that shuts down the greatest experiment in democracy ever to be tried in the history of this planet.


Because, this time around, Americans are deciding whether they wish to remain free, or, if they really wish to enslave themselves, and their neighbors, in the morass of soul rotting socialism. All indicators, at the moment, say that Americans are prepared to give up freedom, next month, for the false promise(s) of socialism.

Now, understand this: for those of us who pay attention to history and to world events… we have come to KNOW, deep down, where we live,  that socialism equals slavery. You can parse it anyway you like… but in the end… we believe socialism and slavery are the same thing… at least the results of both are the same.

So… why are the masses trailing after the candidate many of us closely associate with socialism begging for anything from him, a glance,  a raised eyebrow, a wave of the hand, maybe a touch… anything? The bottom line is: ignorance.

We have at least two generations of Americans who have been taught in America’s public education system that socialism is a good thing. It is a fair thing. It is an equitable thing. Of course it is none of those, but, you see, in their ignorance they believe it is… and they want it! They’re looking for handouts; they’re looking for freebies from the government. That alone demonstrates their utter lack of knowledge about government, what it is and how it works. They don’t understand, or they don’t care, that the US government has no money of it’s own. Which, of course, means that money must be taken from someone else to give to those with their hands out. The source of the money the government hands out is the American taxpayer. That’s you and me, our neighbors, little business and big business.

In the socialist movement, in America today, there is a partition dividing the two classes within the movement. On one side of the partition are the pawns. They are the “needy” ones.  The voters who want something from the government, such as socialized healthcare.  The leftist candidate, and those clinging to him, as well as a large block of voters from the right side of the political spectrum make up the bulk of that division. On the opposite side of the partition are the “super elite” running this scam on the ignorant American voters amongst the vast American electorate, both left and right. The reach and influence of this “super elite” is so vast that it includes controlling political candidates so naïve they actually believe THEY (The candidates) are in control and will be in control should they actually win their respective elections. In fact, it is the “super elite” pulling the strings. The “super elite” are the manipulators. They are often referred to as “The Shadow Government”.


Read the following quote carefully:  “It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. While people have recognized for more than 150 years that the rich and powerful often corrupt individual officials, or exert undue influence to get legislation passed that favors their interests, most Americans still cling to the naive belief that such corruption is exceptional, and that most of the institutions of society, the courts, the press, and law enforcement agencies, still largely comply with the Constitution and the law in important matters. They expect that these corrupting forces are disunited and in competition with one another, so that they tend to balance one another.


Mounting evidence makes it clear that the situation is far worse than most people think, that during the last several decades the U.S. Constitution has been effectively overthrown, and that it is now observed only as a façade to deceive and placate the masses. What has replaced it is what many call the Shadow Government.”  (From: “The Shadow Government”.  You’ll find it at: 


Take a step back and look at the candidates we have running for President of the US today. How often have you asked yourself… “Is this the best my party could offer for the extremely important office of President of the United States?”  I have certainly asked it of myself, and I’d venture a guess that you have, as well, both republican and democrat.  Is it not obvious to you that something is amiss?  We KNOW there are men and women far more qualified for president than those on the tickets of the Democratic and Republican parties. If you are honest with yourself, do you not, just a tiny bit, suspect a set-up?  HAVE we been set up?


And why socialism?  Simple really.  Democracy, even the kind of democracy we have in this representative republic, just gets in the way of the super elite, “the shadow government”.  I am convinced they want it gone.  In it’s place they will install “Central Planning”. Central planning is at the core of any socialist government.  So… for the “powers that be” to be able to exercise unrestrained control they need socialism in America.


Government control of the financial markets is must for central planning to be successful.  Last week we gave the US government effective control of our financial markets.  Do you see a pattern emerging here?  (And I haven’t even mentioned the ongoing efforts toward a North American Union.)


I think it is fair, even timely, to ask:  Is this the last election?  Honestly, I don’t have the answer to that. Too much is yet unknown.  But enough is known and enough is suspected that American voters, of a right, ought to be extremely concerned over the direction in which we are been herded like sheep. I, for one, resent it and I, for one, want my country back.


J.D. Longstreet






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Preparing for America with Socialist Leadership!

Preparing for America with Socialist Leadership!
By: J. D. Longstreet

If you are a resident of America, and you happen to live in a home constructed in the 1950’s and 1960’s, we suggest you begin searching your back yards for what might appear as a ventilation shaft, protruding from the ground, for no apparent reason. If you find one of those, you’ll want to get out the old shovel and start digging. You may be fortunate enough to have one of the thousands of underground bomb shelters built in America during that era.We suggest you dig down to it, open it, air it out, clean it out, and begin re-stocking it as soon as possible.

If you are one of the unfortunate ones, like me, and you don’t have one of those soon to be needed life saving shelters, you are going to need to go to the search engine of your choice and begin a search for plans for a family, or personal, bomb shelter, or fallout shelter.

You think I’m kidding, right? Not by a long shot! Have you been watching the news lately?

I mean, the Mainstream Media is already telling us the Democrat Party is going to win back the Presidency in a month’s time, and if they do… you and I are going to need those bomb shelters! Putting the Democrats in charge of the US government is the equivalent of running up the white flag for the Islamofacists! They are just waiting for the Democrats to take over. They know that the Democrats have no earthly idea of what national security means and no hint as to what is required to protect the citizens of the United States, or, the Socialsist States of America, soon to be followed by the Islamic States of America!

Nearly 80% of foreign policy experts say they are convinced the US is going to be hit again within the next few years. Do you want to take the chance that the hit will be non-nuclear, or nuclear? Ok, then, start digging!

I’m sitting just 50 miles from a busy East Coast seaport, just 30 miles from the largest US Military Ammo Dump on the East Coast, just 35 miles from a Nuclear Power Plant, and you think I’m not worried??? Each morning as the eastern horizon brightens at sunrise, I do a double take just to be sure it IS the sun!

It’s time to get on the ‘net and find those bomb shelter plans, and check the yellow pages for the dealer nearest you with backhoe rentals, and get to work. There’s not a minute to lose. In a few months, after the Democrats win, a free America will be only a beautiful memory. That shining city on a hill will be darkened and will vanish. Man’s last, best, hope will be gone. The candle of freedom will be outed and the American Dark Ages will descend upon us under the much-anticipated Islamic Global Dominion. The only nation standing between freedom and utter chaos, will be gone… undone from within by a political party bent on power for itself and unwilling to admit it is completely incapable of leading, and protecting, the nation it claims to love.

Prepare, fellow Americans! The edge of night approaches.

J. D. Longstreet


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Bitter Liberals

Bitter as Gall.

by:  J. D Longstreet


You know, one of the things that troubles me most, these days, is the overt bitterness of the liberals/progressives/socialists among us. It runs like a sour note through a symphony. It spills over in conversations one tries to have with a liberal/socialist. It runs through their writings, too.


If you have visited any liberal websites, you must be struck, as I have been, with the bitterness there.  Without doubt the most profane, sour, wrathful, speech I have ever heard/read comes from liberal/socialist websites or from comments liberal/socialist leave on the websites of conservatives.


What’s that about?  Has the communication skills of Americans degenerated to the point that we cannot have a single civil conversation in which we disagree without become profane and heaping scornful, demeaning, language on the opposition?


Now, don’t get me wrong.  I can toss about the Anglo-Saxon with the best of them, but you may have noticed we make a conscious effort here to not do it at all, on this site, or hold it to an absolute minimum.


When I began this piece I though maybe it was just “me”, my sensitivity to profanity.  Thirty years on the airwaves, as a broadcaster, with the FCC watching your every move and you DO become extremely conscious of what you say. You must… or face humongous fines from the government.  So, I thought it was just “me”.  Then, I decided to investigate a little.  A few clicks and I learn that it isn’t just me.  It is true.


Matthew Sheffield over at the Washington Times has a piece on profanity on the blogs.  You’ll find it interesting.  It’s at: 



Some seem to think that the Left side of the political spectrum in America is filled with anger and rage and, yes, bitterness at the world not going the way they want it to go… and it has them frustrated and feeling impotent.  Apparently, the left cannot accept that the majority of Americans are conservative, to one degree or another.  Non-acceptance of this fact doesn’t change the fact, therefore… their frustration. Facts are strange that way.


I have noticed, over my year, that it is almost always the weak among us who resort to profanity to attempt to lend weight to their argument.  It never works, and the fact that it doesn’t work only weakens the user’s argument further and often causes them to emote even more bitterness, which, often turns quickly into personal attacks upon the opposition. The liberal has yet to grasp that the intelligent argument will win every time.


In Sheffield’s article, mentioned above, it is pointed out that Liberals are 12 times more likely to use profanity in their blogs than are conservatives.  Sheffield posits that it may be a reflection of the religiosity of conservatives over liberals.  Since conservatives are more religious they tend to use less profanity in their daily lives and that, naturally, carries over into their writings on the web. 


That may be true. And if it is, it tells me something I have suspected for a very long time. Liberals are a very unhappy lot. Isolation from God does that to the human animal. It sours our soul. It causes us to look inward for strength that isn’t there and we find instead, aloneness, fear, and impotence which turns to frustration, anger and bitterness at the world around us.


It would appear, then, that liberals fear lack of control.  But, what really sets them apart is that when they have control that fear is still with them.  When they gain control their happiness is fleeting for they soon fear losing that control and their anger is re-born of that fear and, this, I have concluded, explains their frustration.  It is a frustration born of never feeling secure no matter their circumstances.  Their existence is a never-ending cycle of hypersensitivity and one emotional crisis after another. 


Study after study has been made over the past four decades as to why liberals are so unhappy. In his book “Gross National Happiness” Mr. Arthur Brooks puts forth his idea that conservatives seem to feel that working hard and playing by the rules will bring success. Therefore conservatives are more optimistic, feel more in control of their lives and, as a result, are happier than liberals. I think he is on to something.


The left side of the political spectrum, especially in America, is now the home of liberals and is a very unhappy place.  Liberals have managed to coalesce groups of victims (real and perceived), of all sorts of social and economic unfairness beneath the banner of the Democratic Party. It is our opinion that the gullibility of the liberal mind has allowed leaders, of both sexes, to take advantage of their unhappy, angry, emotional, state to re-enforce those feelings and secure their own positions of power within the leftist movement.


There is a very old expression: “misery loves company”… and you know the other one about “birds of a feather”, etc, etc. That’s what I see when I survey the Democratic Party. They are, quite likely, the most miserable people in America. And it is sad, really.  We live in the greatest country on the globe where opportunities abound for the optimistic individual willing to take the risk necessary for success.  The liberal left is missing out on so much.


J. D. Longstreet