Hurricane Alley… by J. D. Longstreet

No State for Palestinians!

Posted in Religion by J. D. Longstreet on November 29, 2007

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No State for Palestine… ever! First, lets understand this is all a ruse at Annapolis.  It is a formality the Administration feels it must go thru as the administrations b before it have  done.  The simple truth is, there should be no Palestinian state and there is no reason, today, to think there will be anytime in 2008.   

Did you know that the area and the people, erroneously called Palestinians, were offered a state of their own back in the 1930’s?  Bet you didn’t know that.


It seems we have to go over the history of the rejected Palestinian state over and over and I can only surmise the Public School System and the university and college systems in the US simply don’t teach it!

Look the plain truth is… the people, calling themselves Palestinians, have been offered a state of their own at least three times since the 1936 Arab revolt.  They have flatly turned it down every time! Yes!  The first offer made by the Peel Commission in the 1930s offered them a vast piece of real estate much larger that that offered to the Jews  and … they turned it down!


UN Resolution 181 passed soon after the Second World War gave Israel 55% of the so-called Palestine and the Palestinians 45%.  The Jews accepted and in doing so recognized that Palestine would become a state next door to them.  They accepted that.  But the Arabs rejected it, flat out and started another war against the Jews, which they promptly lost.


It has been 60 years now and the whining and moaning is still coming form the “woe is me” crowd who called themselves Palestinians.

 The problems between Israel and the Palestinians are not because Israel has settled some disputed land.  No!  The cause of all the trouble in that “center of the earth” strip of land is due entirely to the Arabs refusal to accept the existence of a Jewish state called Israel, or called anything else, for that matter.  That is the crux of the problem.  “Right of Return” is far more dangerous to The State of Israel tjat an all out attack by their Arab neighbors.  You’re going to hear more and more about the Palestinians demand for a Right of Return.  So what is the Right of Return?  The idea of the right of return is to demand that Israel allow the decendants of the 750,000 Palestinians who were displaced in 1948 and their families (which now stands at almost 4 million) back into Israel and give them full compensation for their troubles. Even if only half of these Palestinians returned, it would alter Israel’s identity as a Jewish state and effectively create a second Palestinian state. One assumption made under the right of return is that the all the Arabs which lived in Israel proper were forcibly expelled from their homes in 1947 and 48. This is a myth. While historians know for a fact that a small number of the 750,000 displaced Arabs were forcibly expelled by Zionist militias (a famous example being Deir Yassin), honest and impartial historians also know that a large number of this 750,000 strong population left on their own, either to avoid an upcoming war between the Zionists and the Arabs, or to join the Arabs in the fighting against the newly established state.”  (From: ) Now, understand… the Annapolis Peace Conference is doomed to failure.  In my opinion it should never have been held, in the first place.  The Palestinians will obfuscate, and delay, and continue to carry on their war to wipe Israel from the face of the map.  They will use any means to do it.  The Annapolis Peace Conference is simply another tool in their arsenal to use against Israel.   As a conservative, I believe in “peace through victory”. To take that a step further, I believe we ought to unleash Israel and let them do whatever they find necessary to eradicate the Palestinian problem on their borders. The conferences like the one in Annapolis will no longer be useful as a propaganda tool of the Arabs.  But, as we view the Annapolis Peace Conference today, we can see that the Bush Administration, and the US State Department, have been “snuckered” again!  If the world truly wants peace in the Middle East, especially that portion we erroneously call Palestine, then get out of the way and allow Israel to take care of business. Longstreet

Posted in UN/One World Government by J. D. Longstreet on November 2, 2007

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Lose “LOST”
This is the second article, now, concerning the Law of the Sea Treaty now in the US Senate. Still, you may never have heard of it. So why is it important? OK, lets look at some reasons why the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) is important to you as an American and to all inhabitants of the earth.

Why We Lose if LOST Wins:
By asserting UN authority over seven-tenths of the Earth’s surface, LOST would be the largest territorial conquest in history.
In principle, the treaty would assert UN jurisdiction over U.S. territorial waters, and eventually over waterways within our country.

It would create a huge bureaucratic entity called the “Enterprise” which would regulate and tax all commercial uses of the high seas.

By taxing all efforts to develop the wealth of the seabed, the UN would be given a huge revenue stream, independent of national governments, to push its agenda for international socialism.

The treaty would require the redistribution of cutting-edge technology from the U.S. to all governments in the “developing world,” including extremely repressive governments.

Get the picture??? It’s that cussed “One World” crap again! You know… the “GLOBALISTS” at work.

So, where do we stand today on LOST? Not good, I’m afraid.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approved LOST earlier this week! The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations voted to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) on Wednesday, October 31, by a vote of 17-4. With the committee’s approval, the full Senate will now be faced with a final vote on ratification of the treaty.

As of October 31, there is no scheduled vote on LOST in the Senate. However, previous reports indicated that the Senate would vote on LOST prior to the end of the year.

Here’s another source of info for you:

Washington, D.C. – As the Senate Foreign Relations Committee votes on the controversial Law of the Sea Treaty October 31, The National Center for Public Policy Research is unveiling

a new website providing educational resources on the Law of the Sea Treaty (also known by the acronyms LOST and UNCLOS).

“The Law of the Sea Treaty is a terrible deal for the U.S. It would threaten our sovereignty, place a significant portion of the world’s resources under the control of a U.N.-style body, and complicate our efforts to apprehend terrorists on the high seas by subjecting our actions to review by an international court unlikely to render decisions favorable to the U.S.,” said National Center Vice President David Ridenour.
“The Law of the Sea Treaty would help radical environmentalists achieve what they haven’t been able to achieve through legislation,” Ridenour added. “Greenpeace has said ‘the benefits of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea are substantial, including its basic duties for states to protect and preserve the marine environment and to conserve marine living species.’ The Natural Resources Defense Council challenged the Navy’s use of ‘intense active sonar,’ arguing that it violates the treaty by posing a danger to marine life. The Navy ultimately agreed to scale back use of this technology. The Law of the Sea Treaty has also been used by Australia and New Zealand in an attempt to shut down an experimental blue fin tuna fishing program and by Ireland in an attempt to shut down a plant on land in England.”

The website, the United National Law of the Sea Treaty Information Center, contains a collection of research papers, commentaries and blog entries about LOST from a variety of think-tanks, scholars, opinion writers and bloggers. It can be accessed at

“Although the Law of the Sea Treaty has been around for decades — the National Center for Public Policy Research first worked on it in 1982 — relatively few people know much about it,” said Amy Ridenour, president of the National Center for Public Policy Research. “The United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty Information Center website is designed to help correct this.” The National Center for Public Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit educational foundation based in Washington, D.C.

It is more important now then ever before to contact your senators and urge them to oppose the Law of the Sea Treaty.

If you are still not satisfied with your level of knowledge concerning “LOST” then we recommend you go to:

….. and read the article entitled:

“Sink the Law of the Sea Treaty!” by William Norman Grigg.

Look, this is serious stuff. And we are not hearing about it in the MSM. A good question is… WHY?

We here at Hurricane Alley urge you to educate yourself and do so quickly. First, however, get on the phone, or send an e-mail, or a fax, to the offices of your US Senators and ask them to vote no on the Law of the Sea Treaty. As of this moment, we only know it will come before the entire Senate sometime before the end of the year.

Every so often, we get a chance to use our constitutional rights for good. This is one of those times.


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